Currencies of God and Man by Ray Istre (Part 2 of 6)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago

Various Currencies and Dilution
The Bible speaks of the Anti-Christ who will rule a one world government. While the real Christ, Jesus of Nazareth refused the offer of Satan to control the kingdoms of the world, the Anti-Christ, the son of Satan, will accept the offer. Satan gained this authority when Adam ate of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. He would only give it to the person who would bow down and worship him. Jesus would not do it, but the Anti-Christ will be glad to. The money system of this “one world Governmental Beast” will use the “Mark of the Beast” to control banking and commerce, worldwide. Scripture says that no one will be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast.
Money has a strange power over mankind. We feel better when we can buy something on the Home Shopping Network, on an infomercial or any of the millions of items we really do not need at Walmart. Money is not evil in itself, but Jesus did say that the love of money is the root of all evil. Jesus took a whip to physically beat the thieving money changers in the temple while he only spoke to warn the woman caught in adultery. Thomas Jefferson said we have more to fear from bankers than standing armies. Why was Jesus and Jefferson so down on moneychangers and bankers?
Governments give certain materials such as gold, silver, rare metals, paper currency or digital money various values as money. Commerce is monitored by the amount of money transacted in traded goods. If more paper dollars are being printed and go into the economy, the value of the dollar falls. This is dilution of the currency and causes higher prices for everything because everything costs more dollars if the value is not worth what it once was. If dollars are taken out of circulation, each dollar rises in value and the price of everything goes down in dollar amounts. This is manipulation of the currency that is done for profit at the expense of those who do not understand it.

The amount of money in circulation is controlled by international bankers. If the amount fluctuates drastically, the economy can go from depression and inflation to total collapse and destruction of the currency. International bankers control this segment of the American economy. The Federal Reserve prints paper Federal Reserve Notes, otherwise known as the US Dollar. You will find “Federal Reserve” printed on two places on the front of the dollar bill. The “Federal Reserve Bank” is not owned by the United States Government. It is a privately held bank using the term, “Federal”, in order to look like it is part of the government.

The Federal Reserve is owned by international bankers who have no allegiance to the United States or its sovereignty. These are the bankers that Thomas Jefferson warned the American people about saying that they pose more of a threat to our nation than a standing army. They print money and buy off politicians to keep their power. The Federal Reserve has been empowered by American politicians who sold their Constitutional responsibility to control the coinage of money during the Woodrow Wilson administration. These politicians are traitors of the United States Constitution and the American people.

Our Founding Fathers specified in the US Constitution that money be minted of gold and silver only. This was to be done under the control of the House of Representatives. Not the Senate or the President, only the House of Representatives because their terms in office were shorter and if the people did not like what they were doing, they could vote them out quicker. Gold and silver had to be mined first, then purified, then minted into coins. There is a limited supply but still, the value given it was to be governed by the House of Representatives. Gold and silver can not be created as easily as paper money so there was less of a chance of manipulation.

The Constitution was subverted under President Woodrow Wilson to create the Federal Reserve. Instead of the House of Representatives controlling the creation and value of money, which was to be limited to gold and silver coins, the FED, a privately owned group of international bankers now manages this. It costs them nothing but the paper, ink and labor to print. They then loan the money to banks and buy the governments debt at the face value of their printed paper which now has the value of money. They get their valuable money back with interest.

If the international bankers who own the FED wanted to destroy the US Dollar as a currency, they could easily continue to print more and more until it is worthless. They can also strengthen the dollar by lowering the amount in circulation. This fluctuation in the value of the dollar is easily manipulated to make money and maintain power over everyone who loves money. They are currently in the “printing” mode and could very well destroy the value of the US Dollar. They may want to do this in order to introduce a one world currency to back up their one world banking system.

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