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RE: Hypocrite Dad, Hypocrite Dad

in #money7 years ago

It's all back to the "making money" things. People - desperately - would do anything to be more successful, in one way or another.

Few days ago I had financial literacy training, they taught us how to manage our income and outcome.. and many form of saving. For the sake of money, you would follow that - all of that eventually, but when things are little bit not on the track of what you believe.. then what you gonna do??


In my experience people will try to fuck other people up by using the system's loopholes and defend their morality by saying that they did nothing wrong. In other words, we have created a corrupt system which we fuck each other up and when the time comes we wouldn't like others do to us.

I can't agree that "we" have created a corrupt system. It is "they" who are/were in a position to corrupt and be corrupted that has skewed the system in their favor.

Sh*t always runs downhill and now even the low level bureaucrats feel they have the right to do as they see and not as they should. The very oath to "serve" has been corrupted to a personal oath to "serve themselves".

This may be seen as a pessimistic view of the way things are but, imho, it doesn't change the reality that this tendency towards self service is the root of most of the problems in this world.

We elect the system. Politicians represent the average perception and serve the average wish. This is how and why they get elected.

No we do not "elect the system", nor have we done that for a long time. Politicians don't represent any kind of average, they work for a bankrupt uncharted corporation, they are pirates on land. There is nothing else to discuss, and elected officials aren't elected officials the moment that they go to war against their people or act outside their capacity, since no person would willingly enslave themselves it's the politicians that carry all the blame. They are the ones that are in lack of forgiveness and in need of it.

Yeah but those people are a small margin of the population, you are aware that most people that utilize the system to fuck other people over are those that have the means and resources to do such a thing, not the impoverished or lame.

If you look at class statistics and studies on their psychology you find that upper class is much more HARSH, or CRITICAL of others, but not as harsh or critical of themselves. Other studies have demonstrated that high end or luxury cars follow the law of cutting off pedestrians in intersections, while crappy beater cars are almost exclusively courteous and considerate giving the pedestrians the right of way. Another one showed that merely pretending to be upper class influences how people judge others and what they think is fair (lying and cheating to achieve means) and will excuse and not feel guilty for their behavior. The Stanford Prison Study is famous for this simple aspect of demonstrating that it's the system itself that is to blame, and individuals are powerless to the setting.

The setting here is that government is legitimate and we have lawful courts, but we have an impostor pretending to be government when it's nothing more than a for profit corporation of the bankers, which control it, were more people aware of this, the pretense of lawful order wouldn't be nearly as effective. Poor people aren't flocking to the bookstores to read something that is critically acclaimed by the ones who actually can utilize the system to fuck others over, and those that have the time would probably be here on the internet.

Those studies really are fascinating. Follows with the saying;

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Someone explained it with science:

The administrator, the boss, the authority position releases dopamine when they "execute" their authority, so that the boss won't get his dopamine and serotonin feel-good that literally drives all behavior, from their peers, from their fellow men, and instead they derive a higher more potent "high" from exerting power and control through their positions of authority. The only problem is when these positions of authority are REWARDED and their behavior is EXCUSED. This post is excursive of bad behaviors with "everyone is shit". That kind of mentality is undermining to the majority, or the reality of the poor, the destitute, which, very much like the studies show, dependent on the community and on people-skills, where-as the rich are very independent in both thought and act, yet their people skills aren't lacking but arguably inverse, where they don't feel guilt for wrong acts and are much more dependent on manipulation/dishonesty.

If the positions of power carry individual responsibility, so that the person in charge is liable for all acts by eliminating the chance for collusion then power corrupts won't be a rule, but an exception.

The people are given immunity and they rule with impunity, the safeguards for collusion are ineffective at best since these people are by default forever innocent. This is effectively so because the population perceives them as such but in reality they are both liable and very much without innocence, even though they are told "checks and balances".

There is only one law, the singular rule that everything respects, mankind included, the golden rule. The impunity comes with the safeguard born from a long series of fraud and theft and amassing to the largest conspiracy against mankind, effectively not just "legally" enslaving us. The people that act as such do so because they are legally (military) immune, and because they inherently benefit from this slavery. If you look at where this slavery is most complete, I hardly find a case for "people are shit". There's exceptions like most things but the rule is by far "golden" among the most enslaved and "ratchet" is the norm among the power seated. When I see "people are shit" I always have a need to shout "FUCK NO", which I find the most unapologetic objection to that narrative. If we are the People, then we must to take that position, we are powerful, and we aren't all shit, the perpetrators of this fraud upon the world aren't examples for humanity or people as a whole, people gambling with "financial intelligence" aren't examples of the majority by far, Tolstoy understood this, that's why his greatest work is hardly acknowledged, Awakening.

I haven't read Awakening, but it sounds interesting. Odd that I haven't heard of it.

With regards to the abuse of authority, I agree. I honestly think many of the founding fathers would agree as well and is why the system is set up like it is. Now we have a problem with those in authoirty flaunting the system and lemmings endorsing their lawlessness - but that is a rabbit hole.

I'll add that I agree that most people are not "shit" but good people. I think the number ends up being about 94% good and 6% bad. That 6% number corresponds with the estimated number of sociopaths and narcissists in our midst.

And it corresponds to the system that harbors them as well, those which act with impunity and their secret oaths is what manifests that percent of sociopaths, though they are simply psychopaths as socio implies they abuse through some "societal" basis but it's actually all from PSYCHE or fear, manipulation, illusion, they ultimately have no legitimacy, no standing and no right, that they get away with it speaks solely on the fact that their collusion and deceit is thus grand, not on "this is the way it is, this is how it's been for ever, millions have voted".

here you go:

from here

It's listed under Forgiveness, aptly so. This book is his last novel.

The democratic will elects politicians which represent the average behaviour. The masses are responsible all the way. Not the representatives that grant their wishes.

Explain the Electoral College. Explain Money being an IOU, those two were the DEMOCRATIC WILL (masses). Explain the fact that 2/3 of the "DEMONCRATIC-WILL" doesn't vote. Blaming the DEMOCRATIC-WILL for the lack of responsibility and or outright effort to wage war against the democratic will, while the democratic will is hardly democratic and hardly a majority as it's implied. The masses are responsible for the bought and paid for corporation that has been bankrupt numerous times, and is now operating without a corporate charter and counter to the decree of the highest recognizable law, the pope. That's the democratic will of the people right? It's the people that fund war, fund the media and fund the system that oppresses people because we are given a choice between bought and paid for actors that have to act on behalf of the company and outside their oaths of office. The people.

Generation after generation of millions of people have slowly crafter the ethics of the system by the representatives they choose to elect.

Remember. They are the 99.9%. Even if 25% vote is still enough.

No they haven't, millions of people aren't responsible for the acts of a few, regardles of what they have vested, those that act outside their vested authority are guilty, not the people that vested that power in those people, once you don't act in your seat, you're not acting in the name of the people.

Cool story though, generation after generation, I don't know what that has to do with the fact that it wasn't any democratic will that vested the people as collateral, unless you want to argue that it was democratic among the "even if 0.000000001% vote, is still enough".

The average behavior is represented by these scumbags, well almost exclusively rank with scumbaggery of the highest kind? That's a cool story bro, and the same for "the representatives granting their wishes".

The people "elected" by the democratic will are immune to how they act and somehow that is supposed to represent average behavior, getting away with fraud, impersonating public officials, pretending to still operate lawfully even though the government is flying the flag of war as opposed to the civil flag of peace. Cool story.

This is what happens. You are disagree against reality but reality doesn't go away.

If people did not like the current character, system and distribution they would elect people that would address those issues.

There are two kinds of people. Those who dream of the top and those who deny this fact.

Bullshit again, This is not average behavior, unless you want to Average Behavior of The 0.00001%. It's reality that they are immune more or less, and it's not denying anything when I say they are impersonating public officials, as that is reality as well. The flag is still reality, it's you who disagrees with it, and the insufferable thought that you think that electing people to a position of power means they can act with impunity and work outside the vested power.

All you are talking about is voting for what the electoral college might consider, regardless of the fact that by default the democratic will is clearly NOT TO VOTE, except that reality and move on, because next what the electoral college votes for and the people voted to these positions act on behalf of a corporation chartered under the IMF charter, which has been revoked by the pope, the corporations are bankrupt, their IOU monopoly is over, there is no more legitimate corporation, and the united States Congress hasn't reconvened since the start of the Civil War.

It's the democratic will of the electorate college, which is voting officers to the Corporation UNITED STATES CONGRESS, which is impersonating a government service business, which has been bankrupt with the First and Second Bank and with The Federal Reserve, and THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and most recently by the pope himself. Arguing that these fraudsters and war criminals are the Average is flying in the face of reality, why didn't you rebut my argument about how your post only applies to the very very few, and hardly to the majority, and also why chose to make the argument here, half-cocked while positing my position as dreamy without even rebutting one point, not with specificity or context. This is what happens is exactly how someone would start a narrative, thus far what happened is that you fed me the good old one liner "if you don't like it elect those that address those issues" when electing would not do anything like that and it's not the will of anyone to defraud and enslave themselves, insert constructive remark on someone eliciting that the majority are to blame ad nausem.

explain the democratic will when approval ratings occasional hit single digits for the UNITED STATES CONGRESS (inc). Explain the democratic will when the country is ran by the IMF, every one of the 19 government services that were chartered under the Constitution for the United States is an INCORPORATED franchise of the IMF, acting under constructive fraud and operating without any legitimacy, and having impersonated elected officials with corporate officers through similar sounding offices STATE OF TEXAS, vs the state of Texas.

apathy. much the same thing. Nobody cares because the system is "ok" for them

The system isn't Ok, did you miss that first part, EXPLAIN-THE SINGULAR-DIGIT-APPROVAL-RATINGS

if "nobody cares because the system is ok for them".

The fact that the system is illegitimate and your narrative relies on the legitimacy of it, both by average and by charter, or either, isn't a point that is contended in your "apathy, much the same thing", its only more of the shifting the blame onto the populace for their own peonage and slavery.

Everyone know that the purse strings to those that pretend to be the government are not in the hands of the people, especially since the impostor government holds the purse strings to an overwhelming majority.

It's the democratic will to claim the population as surety in a bankruptcy that had nothing to do with the people, because the people elected those that plead them as collateral to UNITED STATES (inc) debts.

The holographic argument of democratic will is nothing but circular logic, and it blames the people for the acts of the few, even though the people don't regard the few as legitimate by and large and the few that do clearly see that the few that act in the name of the people, don't act in the name of the people, you're delusional and full of it if you think otherwise, this is evidenced by the approval ratings, the fact that a large majority chooses not to vote, and if you were to demonstrate the legitimacy of government on paper you would be left with a blank page.

The point being is that you are both talking about something you don't fully grasp and what you do grasp is grossly incomplete, there is an endless amount of presumptions and suppositions that flow out of this assault on rational thinking, especially since at the heart of it you excuse the most unlawful and illegitimate, slavery.

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