The r0ach report 21: So you want to know how long until the system blows up

in #money7 years ago

Through all the QE and other bullshit, money velocity continues to crater from peak working age demographics and collapsing EROI (meaning the end of growth, which also means the collapse of all debt based currencies that require infinite growth):

Either that chart continues lower and you get cascading deflationary collapse, or they finally get it to turn upwards (which doesn't seem doable without some super inflationary scheme like basic income) and then you get face melting inflation or hyperinflation. Since the CBs only real power they have left is to print, that's what they're going to do because hyperinflation gives you a longer timespan than deflationary collapse.

As the graph travels lower, look out for some TBTF entity blowing up in the near future because people can't afford housing loans, car loans, or student debt, then they will either launch another QE or go straight to basic income. The so called Trump tax cuts are just a half ass version of a prequel to basic income. That's why you have Mark Cuckerberg and other Yids floating the idea on Jewish media. It is not their idea, they run propaganda outlets and are just disseminating information. All of this stuff is done solely so they can extend the timeline until they're ready to do a controlled demolition of the economy, which the Jewish banking psychopaths want to have a war as the "solution" where millions or billions die because they don't want to be blamed for all the IOUs that can't be paid and then lose power.

Without a war, then it's the guaranteed hyperinflation route. Stocks always perform worse than metals in hyperinflation because hyperinflation is a currency crisis and stocks are not a money substitute. Bitcoin will also likely perform poorly or not as good as metals in the same situation because...bitcoin doesn't work as a money substitute due to low scaling. People will not want to deal with the counter party risk of using 3rd parties like Coinbase as a "bitbank" to scale either. Metals will be in more demand since they actually remove counter party risk and bitcoin doesn't.

All of this stuff happens as soon as the mortgages, student loans, or car loans reach teach terminal default mode, or the pensions fail to get 8% yearly returns in equities to continue the Ponzi. There's a lot of moving parts and weak links so nobody knows exactly what the domino of the next "2008 but worse" is. Something between a few months to 24 months is probably pretty accurate. All I know is, unless they manage to kill everyone on the planet with nukes, the Yids aren't going to be able to contain silver and it's going to make me a lot of money.

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