The Bright Side of CapitalismsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago (edited)


So this is the other side of the fence, as I have wrote a post criticizing some of the bad aspects of Capitalism and then people might think that I immediately abandoned it. No that is not the case, I just criticized some of the elements in it that I didn't liked, since everything should be free to be criticized. I am not taking the ultra-capitalist mindset anymore who worship it almost like being in a cult, that you sometimes see over at /r/Anarcho_Capitalism, but taking a moderate philosophical look at it, and whatever is good must stand up to the test of logic, reason and empirical evidence. So yes anything should be criticized, there is nothing sacred it's just exercizing freedom of speech and thought.

And I have some issues that Capitalism creates, even without a Government (which there is evidence off just look at cryptocurrencies and the amount of scams and propaganda being thrown around that has nothing to do with the Government), but that doesn't mean that just because you see some things that are bad, you immediately abandon it, and jump on the Marxist train. Now that would be crazy. Instead, if you find something that is bad, you work on it to reform it or find solutions to fix it, which is absolutely possible in a voluntary society.

Capitalism Works

Despite all the bad things that might be a result of Capitalism, it is still the only system that works. None of the other systems have shown any kind of empirical evidence that they work, and they neither improve the life quality of the people.

It doesn't matter how hard I try to wrap my head around it, whatever voluntary society we are going to have in the future (hopefully), it will have Capitalism as it's basis, perhaps with a few adjustments.

All sorts of egalitarian movements have failed, and no matter how hard I try to think about it, I can't find a single evidence neither in nature nor elsewhere that would support egalitarianism.

The worst thing though is that egalitarianism is so unnatural, and it disturbs the social fabric so much, that it can literally be implemented only by force. While voluntary egalitarians are noble, if they can make people equal through philosophy, but most of the time that is not their method.

Most of the time the left uses the "ends justify the means" strategy, which means that they will use force in order to achieve equality. And that means a Totalitarian Stalinist State that will have a ruling class who will make everyone below it "equal", it's a paradox, but that is what happens. It never results in equality, it only results in tyranny. Perhaps equally being enslaved in a work camp.

Ends never justify the means, so if there are voluntary egalitarians out there, they are good, but force can never be tolerated!

So if there is no equality then, what will happen is that a voluntary hierarchy will form in the form of Capitalism. A free market where exchanges of goods and services are voluntary. And the people who are better at it will have more money.


So Capitalism is really inevitable in a free society. However there is 1 issue that I have described in the previous article, which is that eventually in a free market a monopoly will form.

Now they say that this is because the best company rises to the top, but I don't buy into this anymore. It may or may not be true that the best company rises to the top. I mean even without Government help (which does happen in most cases), there would be plenty of ways for a company to do dirty tricks. Like a giant social media company just censoring the hell out of people. If you control people's minds you don't need a Government, you are the Government.

Of course if there is no physical regulation then anyone can start up a competitive business, but even this is not a sufficient justification for a monopoly. Just take a look at Steemit, it has a voluntary relation with it's competitors, and guess what all other competitors are censoring the hell out of it, who interestingly control 95%+ of the market. In Reddit you get shadowbanned if you post a Steemit link, it happened to me and many others, and several other cases happened on other social media platforms too.

So whether it's Government regulation or just voluntary choice, the monopolist will entrench itself, and then you can never get rid of it, and by then it will be horribly corrupt and inefficient.

They create a platform, they invite people to it, they gain monopoly, and then they keep people hostages there, bound by their shady terms of services, or else they can just leave. "If you don't like it just leave" argument comes up, which is totally worthless.

So as you can see all monopolists will entrench themselves and by then they will become a disservice to the people. So the only solution to this is to just have decentralized platforms. There is no other way. Small businesses are getting crushed under the fists of the monopolists, and if they were in their position they would do the same.

So the only solution to this is to just have a decentralized platform, where the small businesses will be integrated. Sort of like a literal Decentralized State, I mean not just 1 blockchain, but like inter-linked blockchains controlled through DAO systems for example. I mean literally having the State being directly controlled by the people, a true Direct Democracy.

And the businesses being inside this paradigm. Like how you have tons of small businesses inside OpenBazaar. It's like a decentralized supermarket for small businesses, farmers, you name it.

So you can have a decentralized platform just to enforce fair play and prevent shady monopolist tactics, and every other interaction is just voluntary. Most based on reputation, so the reputation/ostracism features of a voluntary society can be excercized as well.

We don't need prisons, just ban a scammer from these future platforms for 5 years. I guarantee you it will be a bigger deterrent for crime than any shithole prison you can imagine, plus his crimes publicly exposed and reputation ruined, and at least it's humane and doesn't require force.

Decentralized State

So if all business platforms can be decentralized why can't the State be too? The State can't be abolished, it withers away.

If all services can be provided in by voluntary means, and if society can organize itself voluntarily, then who the hell would need a centralized coercive State after that?

I mean literally think of the biggest roles of the State: defense? pensions? healthcare? Those can all be made voluntary and decentralized.

We are seeing now tons of private bodyguard services popping up, there can be local militias run in a transparent way (in fact it's not even needed once the entire world becomes peaceful), pension can be easily provided through a blockchain technology, and healthcare... heck we will probably have healing pods in the future!

I mean technology literally makes a bronze age barbaric Government obsolete. We are not savages anymore living in the woods trying to protect our crops from other savages. So the use of force is really barbaric.

Everything would be just sooooooo much better in a decentralized world.


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thank you for sharing valuable information.

The problem in your philosophy or any system is rule by force.

You put a lot of work and effort in your posts !

Technology which doesn't exist, and may not for hundreds or thousands of years, makes the government obsolete. Good one!

Sure, maybe someday there will be healing pods... and the guys who invent it will still want to be billionaires charging as much as they can, making it inaccessible for a large portion of the population.

I wrote that in the context that they may become true, especially if more capital would be released and not wasted on inefficient government programs (ie lower taxes would be needed for example).

Now even if this technology seems remote, it shouldn't be given how quick things change. I mean there are eve n rumors about nanotechnology being used, and things like gene editing and stuff like that.

With some more funding and reserch in that field we would literally have tech like in Star Treek.

But let's be realistic. Do you think that government hospitals like these are efficient?

Why do you always find some 3rd world country ruled by a dictator and under sanctions as your example? The best healthcare systems in the world are socialized. The healthcare system in the United States is free market, insanely expensive and rated even worse than Canada's.

Star Trek technology is not "just around the corner" and a lot of funding for new research actually comes from government. The reality is no one's going to fund 60 years of research on something because they won't live long enough to see the returns, so a lot of research has to come from sources not interested in profit.

To get that technology we need more and better education, funding that's interested in progress rather than profit and a populace that actually supports scientific advancement. Not to get rid of education, turn everything over to a free market and then watch as we invent the next fidget spinner instead of regeneration pods.


A vet well written post, sir.
Ont thing I would point out is the take on monopolies.

Monoplies only become monopolies/ survive with gvmnt interventions (regs etc)
I'm not saying you are incorrect, just thinking real free market capitalism has never actually been tried, hence the dynamic of monopolies has never really been tested.

No that is just partial truth, monopolies can even exist without a government. Take a look at what is going on in Bitcoin for example, they are censoring people with opposite views.

Of course the truth comes out, they lose power, so they won't be in monopoly for long without the use of force. So a governmetn might prolong a monopoly but it doesn't create it.

Im not too sure if you mean this...

So a governmetn might prolong a monopoly but it doesn't create it.
??? uh? (I'll presume you didn't mean

Governments can - and do - create monopolies - all the time (UK national health service as an easy obvious example)

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