Insane Tax LevelssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago (edited)


How do you expect an average person to live a decent life if so much is stolen from him? Taxation levels globally have certainly risen in the last century due to useless social programs that are not a net benefit to society, while some of them are outright Ponzi Schemes.

I am only familiar with the EU economy, and the tax levels in the EU are insanely high. How do you expect an average person to survive or do business in such a hostile environment?

  • High taxes lead to less businesses and/or high prices, which do lead to less businesses
  • Less businesses lead to less jobs, and smaller wages
  • Small wages lead to minimum wage increase, which will eliminate even more businesses (who are already struggling)
  • Which leads to more unemployment
  • High unemployment leads to poverty and higher taxes to pay welfare
  • High unemployment also leads to less pension payers, which lead to immigrants coming in

It's a horrible economic system, and it's a vicious cycle that will destroy humanity with it, and cause endless suffering.

Tax Levels

Let's see what are the taxes in the top 3 EU countries:

1) Germany

  • Business Tax: 29.72 % profit + 19.33 % social security = 49.05%
  • Personal Tax: 47.5 % income + 20.43 % social security + 19% sales tax = 86.93% tax

Plus of course local taxes, property taxes, other minor taxes, and the Euro inflation. Yes Germany is fucked.

2) France

  • Business Tax: 33.3 % profit + 40.63 % % social security = 73.93%
  • Personal Tax: 50.2 % income + 14.2 % social security + 20% sales tax = 84.4% tax

Plus of course local taxes, property taxes, other minor taxes, and the Euro inflation. Yes France is fucked.

3) Italy

  • Business Tax: 31.4 % profit + 32.08 % % social security = 63.48%
  • Personal Tax: 48.8 % income + 9.49 % social security + 22% sales tax = 80.29% tax

Plus of course local taxes, property taxes, other minor taxes, and the Euro inflation. Yes Italy is fucked.

So how the hell do you expect to do any business in these countries, when they steal 9 Euros out of every 10 Euro you earn? Are these people mad? How do they expect people to pay their taxes? Am I the only one who finds these tax levels insane?

You can't find a job, most jobs are service jobs with low wages or part time jobs. Most people work in gray areas without paying social security, because they know that it's a Ponzi Scheme, and they won't get their pensions anyway.

So who is paying into the system? Because the expectations are huge, but do people can really fulfill them? Who will pay the pensioners?

It looks like to me that this is like part of the Nazi eugenics plan of the EU to get rid of the weak (which is like 90% of the population) and only keep the strong.

Because pensioners will never get paid their pension because nobody will have a job to pay social security, and corporations will just go bust, because nobody will have income to buy products from them.

So either everyone will starve to death in the next 20 years in the EU, or people will build their separate economy with crypto-currencies, and show the middle finger to the Nazi EU, and bypass their economic tyranny.

I feel like I'm in a Nazi Concentration Camp, where you are forced to work until death ,literally and figuratively, because the pension minimum age is now higher than the life expectancy, but you are forced to pay into that Ponzi Scheme anyway.

In a Nazi Concentration Camp you are forced to work until death and are fed bread and water detailed in Elie Wiesel's book.

In the Nazi EU you are forced to work until death (min pension age 65-70, life expectancy 60 due to GMO caused cancers), and you are taxed to death. What kind of life you are living when 90% of the work you are doing is stolen from you?

329/365 days of the year you are a slave, and you can enjoy only 36 days of labor. The rest of it is stolen from you by your Nazi EU overlords, and this bizarre and monstrous National and Socialist economic system.

So life in the EU is highly similar to life in a Nazi Concentration Camp, in the economic sense, that is why I call it an Economic/Fiscal Concentration Camp, because you are an economic slave.


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


The greed of politicians in government only grows over time.

That is universal truth.

Taxes in most of the developed world is now unreasonable. Many people get away with paying little to no taxes in developing countries and they now have more discretionary income than your typical working class European or North American.

No that is not true, everyone is heavily taxed except the elites and the big corporations. If you have personal income, then you are toast, you can't deduct anything except special things like if you have a kid or disability.

If you have a business, you are still paying 50% or whatever is the corporate rate+ social sec, the only thing you can deduct is your expenses, which is a good strategy, but you still need to access the money somehow. So if you give yourself a job at your company that is then personal income ,and you are back at the above scenario.

The only way to get away with it legally, is with a corporation that has endless credit, because there are some sneaky ways how you can pay almost 0 tax, by taking out a loan and use that as an income, while you pay off the loan through the business, and effectively pay no tax on the excess. I have heard several theories how you can do that legally, but you need good lawyers, a partner bank , and a big corporation for that.

So no, the average working class is toast, middle class people and medium businesses are toast. And only the mega corporations are tax exempt, the others are enslaved.

In fact it's so bad that corporations can even sit with with the Tax Department to negotiate taxes. Can you believe that? I thought taxes apply to everyone, but it looks like you can negotiate yourself out of it, if you have the political connections.

BTW, it's common for EU and UN workers to be tax exempt, while we the slaves are not:

I'm not sure if you understood my point. Citizens of many developing/3rd world countries are very under-taxed in comparison to first world countries. It is to the point that they have more savings at the end of the month. This is mostly due to inefficiency of tax collection and the fact that people will riot in the street if they had to pay over half of their income to the state.

I'll give you an example. A Panamanian friend of mine earns around $1,000 per month in combined income sources. He pays $0 in income taxes per month and there is nobody knocking on his door to collect. After his expenses, he has hundreds of dollars to go into savings or entertainment at the end of each month.

An American or European with a middle class income lives paycheck to paycheck and rarely sets aside cash for savings.

I'll give you an example. A Panamanian friend of mine earns around $1,000 per month in combined income sources. He pays $0 in income taxes per month and there is nobody knocking on his door to collect. After his expenses, he has hundreds of dollars to go into savings or entertainment at the end of each month.

Good to see some people who still have their balls. Because the 1st worlders have just became so complacent and ignorant that they don't care about anything.

I would personally abolish all taxes, because it's an immoral way to force people to pay for things they might not need.

But on a more sensible way, at least the personal income tax, and the sales tax should be abolished immediately.

  • There is absolutely no reason to tax personal income, because most money comes from businesses, and you can't have a growing economy if you don't allow savings and spending.
  • There is even less reason to tax sales, because if they want a "consumerist" economy, then what is the point of taxing consumption?

So as you can see, these moron Nazis are mentally ill people who have 0 knowledge about the economy.

I just wait for the day, when we will have a free world, without violence and coercion.

500 million is a very optimistic estimate. I do not think it will be that many. The people seeking to own everything will do the right thing or they will pay the price. If they think they will survive this while the rest do not, they are gravely mistaken.

That is true, but I fear they won't initiate their depopulation agenda until they don't have a full AI army built.

Once they have AI army, then they will phase out humanity. I hope they will be stopped before that.

I though my country taxes us heavily. but the situation around EU is worse than i thought. If this is so then EU will disintegrate.

Good for you, but there are tons of brainwashed shills that cheer for the EU. I personally feel disgusted by it, all the taxes and regulations just make life very hard. And when I dug deeper and found out that it had Nazi origins, then I almost throw up.

I feel very disgusted that I have to live in a Nazi economy.

@profitgenerator same here mate. My govt also tax us heavily and is putting whole country into debt.

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