Difference between Rich and Poor

in #money8 years ago


There is only 1 thing that separates a poor person from wealth. You might think it's very hard or complicated to become rich, but that is not true.

There is only 1 thing that stands in your way of becoming financially free and prosperous, and that thing is:


Yes, it only takes ambition to become rich. Persistent ambition, and your dreams can come true. Now how do I know this? I am not rich, so I may not have the authority to tell you this, but I know this for sure. Just ask around any wealthy person, they know this, I know personally a few rich people and they all agree.

How did @ned or @dan became rich? Because they believed in something, and had the ambition to create it. That thing is now Steem/Steemit, and it's worth 127,000,000 $. It was ambition and hard work, but ambition mostly, as that is needed to work hard on something you believe in.


So I have ambition to become wealthy, I am not yet, but I think I'm on the right path. I am having some fantastic investments lately, and having some success on Steemit too. Why? Because of my ambition to become successful.

And you can be too, just believe in yourself and don't give up your dreams. It is possible, let's show the world how easy it is to become rich! It starts on Steemit! Are you ready?

Upvote & Follow Me: @profitgenerator


My 5th business venture was the first to succeed 8 years ago now... Still going strong and funding additional ambitions and startups

That is great (no pun), sometimes we get lucky at the first one, sometimes it takes 5 trials, but if we have the ambition, we all get there eventually. Don't quit right before the finish line.

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