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RE: The Final Nails Are Being Hammered Into The US Dollar Coffin...

in #money7 years ago (edited)

lol... If you ever get the time, check out Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution... It pertains to our Coinage and how its Value can be "Regulated"... I prefer to say our Coinage can be Reset... The reason for the Reset is because the Fiat (Debt Note) Dollars have lost so much Purchasing Power, that our Coinage needs to be Reset to pay off the National Debt and to bring it back in line with a New (Debt Free) Dollar, backed by Common Coinage...
Learn more about my PC Theory...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset


That's the question >>> "Who does the regulating?" Since you asked "why can't the penny reset 100X if BTC went from a penny to $4K?" I figgerd I would splain why. The Chinese moneyrunners don't give a shit about the dollar or dollar assets. They will be like Greg and his kittens. When (not if) the soon to be almighty dollah has "perhaps" doubled in value (via the simple laws of supply and demand) due to the mass exodus of dollahs via the collapse of every major exchange traded company's stock price, only then will Greg take notice. I will "gladly" sell to him and buy his silver and gold for pennies on the dollar. But your pocketchange will have already doubled in value...just by accident. Call yourself >>> "lucky." :-)

Instead of trying to convince Gregory of
something he's probably not interested
in... How about running it by me... I'll
give it some thought and get back to you...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset

It's pretty simple. You understand the law of supply vs demand I'm sure. Less supply and even "steady" demand increases price. So let's look at just one eggzample. The market cap of crAAPL stoc right now is about $850 bil. The 10 year chart of AAPL already gar-own-tees a future move to at least sub $30...that little blip down there in spring of 2010 that hasn't been accounted for as of yet.

crAAPL isn't even the biggest pig in the pokey. But still appx $600 bil in "valuable" dollahs eliminated by crAAPL alone. A MASSIVE elimination of dollahs coming via stoc prices alone. Less product with even the same amount of demand will drive price higher. Add in the "fact" that the Yer a Peeeyins will be tripping all over themselves to trade their Euros for dollahs and bada bing bada boom...your pocket change values double just by accident.

You seem to know what's going on... I'm not sure why Gregory put you on ignore or whatever he did... He's just one guy... Move on and tell your story to others... You really don't need his permission... Take care and make lots of money... Wow... I just noticed, you're following Gregory and not Me... lol... I guess I can't win you all...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset

you are correct pocketchange...

Greg originally began with a flagging campaign against me because, unlike his kittens, I believe that anyone who peddles their wares should be held accountable for the "actual" trading results. Same theory as when you are deciding which mutual fund to invest your time/money in. Anyone with half a brain would "logically" first check the "documented" results of any fund they were going to invest in. I've been tracking Greg's "actual" results for quite some time. He consistantly posts losing trades at a ratio of at least 7 losers for each winner. I have several blogs open where anyone can go and check the "actual" prices the options Greg "says" he was buying were trading at upon his "posted" entry and exit, usually within minutes of his spew. The actual reason why Greg stopped posting his trades is "likely" because the very last trade he posted at his site (his GOOGL call option buy) was a complete fabrication. Not a single GOOGL option contract at the price Greg says he bought traded for that entire day. Details here:

If you go down the list you can see his GOOGL trade on 8/16...and also me questioning that trade and giving him every opportunity to explain it both at that blog as well as here at Greg's blog. No response whatsoever from Greg. Just claims that he is "ripping the face off the market!" and posting winning trades at a 7 to 1 clip. Public enemy number 1 as far as I am concerned is a bs artist who tries to take advantage of less knowledgeable/informed people. So that's when I went on the attack, and that's when Greg couldn't take it any more. :-) Still, sheeple will be sheeple, and some of Greg's kittens are "obviously" the suckiest of the suckas as I'm sure there are still idiots who pay Greg for his dummass Ebooks and worse yet..who knows how much the idiots who took him up on his "1 on 1" instruction opportunity are paying him. As long as he posts trade commentary without giving complete disclosure (as he did recently with new trades in UUP and QQQ, even those at his live blog were wondering what Greg's position was after those 2 ass kickings), he will continue to be public enemy #1 as far as I'm concerned. If he wants to provide full disclose I will back off...some. But as long as he is peddling his wares and backing it up with pure bullshit....I'll be aaaall over him like his legion of ass kissing kittens. Greg Mannarino should be nothing more than a news reporter who says shit like >>> "Oh look! the dollar is down and precious metals prices are up" ...becuase he can't trade worth shit. You will soon see what I mean as he as totally hung himself out to dry with his dollar rants and advice that you hoard gold and silver at current levels. Hang out and see what he is saying in a few weeks. I know what I will be saying already. :-) the reason I don't follow you is that you have nothing to offer but a dummass theory that is even dummer than the theory that some millennial jerkoff invented an alternative currency that will someday replace the dollar as the world's currency of choice. In general I only follow people who are either extremely market saavy...or extremely market clueless...and Greg falls into the second category. He may just be the world's greatest reverse indicator actually. :-)

I'm fine with the fact that you think my Theory is dumb...
It actually does sound pretty insane to most people who
haven't given it as much thought as me... To each his or
her own... I'm only telling it like "I" see it...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reply

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