
How come Wendy McElroy, unlike you an actual investor who lost money, does not share your opinion in her TheDailyBell article about the situation?

That article is quite outdated, and includes quite a few false statements, since it was part of the 2014 launch of Berwick's and Kirley's pre-planned smear and fear campaign.

Wendy McElroy is not an "investor" of Galt's Gulch Chile. Wendy McElroy left the GGC "rescue" team shortly after she was asked to be a part of it by Berwick. I can't speak for her, but it seems that she left it due to the hidden intentions of those on the "rescue" team, in order to force their motives onto GGC, and to use the state in doing so. There are plenty of emails between Wendy and myself outlining her complete disdain for two of the "rescuers", Catharine Cuthbert and Thomas Baker (corrupt military cop). These will be shared shortly as well.

I put "rescue" in quotations, because they represented themselves under this false monicker, as if they were "rescuing" GGC, but in reality, as shown by extensive evidence, their sole intent was to destroy GGC, loot its assets, and then attempt to purchase it for little, or no, money. A hostile takeover, of which Wendy McElroy unfortunately is/was a part of because of her involvement in the launch of their smea campaign against me, and subsequently GGC.

As mentioned, Wendy is not an "investor" of the GGC project. Wendy has a promise agreement for a future parcel of land in the GGC project. She does not have a contract for investment into, or for ownership in, the GGC project, as the remaining members of the "rescue" team still represent to this day. It is just one of many lies propagated on false blogs, fake aliases, fake email accounts, etc., by these people. If Wendy loses any money, it will be at the hands of Berwick, and the "rescue" team, which we will be outlining for the courts in Chile this and next year. I am at GGC repairing all that the "rescuers", and Berwick, looted, stole or destroyed. They are hiding behind aliases online, fake blogs, etc., in order to try and maintain their false narrative.

Wendy's article outlines her salesperson, whom is/was Ken Carpenter. Carpenter is known to have been working with the Chilean swindler, Mario Del Real, whom Berwick, and the "rescue" team were aligned with in early 2014. Wendy outlined this, in detail, in emails to myself and others in the GGC project, clearly showing that the "rescuers" were indeed in cahoots with Mario Del Real. Wendy then attempted to reverse her comments, after Kirley, and presumably Berwick, confronted her about them. We have evidence and testimonies about Carpenter's clear alliance with Del Real, and Carpenter's clear alliance with Kirley. Carpenter was a bus boy in a restaurant in Santiago, and reader of the TDV blog of course, at the age of 43, when I offered him an admin position with GGC. He then persuaded me to hire a list of his, or Berwick's, friends, whom I refer to as the TDV misfits, in 2013 and 2014. They all turned out to be quite incompetent at what they promised to be their professions or skill sets. Carpenter is well aware that the GGC project was working diligently to complete mapping on the project, as Berwick, and others, were plotting their hostile takeover attempt and smear campaign, which mirrors those of Berwick and Chris Serin in the mining industry, which also included public slander, libel, press releases outlining their false narratives against the majority shareholder and management, inciting fear (Berwick's profession) amongst "investors", etc.

It is truly amazing how this con man Johnson can string together so many lies in one ungrammatical and nonsensical post. To quickly set the record straight, in order:

  1. McElroy's article has errors, but was written before we had access to documents and enough eye witness accounts to understand how the con man Ken Johnson, posting here as galtsgulch, ran his affinity fraud.

  2. There was no "pre-planned smear and fear campaign." There were two articles and one press release. Our goal was to go public with Johnson's fraud so that he couldn't defraud anyone else.

  3. McElroy left the GGC Recovery Team after a misunderstanding. This had nothing to do with our motives or using the state for restitution. We reached out to her to reconcile and she refused.

  4. The GGC Recovery Team's goals have been to organize as many investors as possible in legal efforts to either gain control of the real estate to move forward with the project, or sell assets for monetary restitution. We did not "destroy GGC." In fact, GGC is a figment of con man Johnson's imagination. When the investors went public with Johnson's perfidy, there had been no substantive progress in developing the properties for a residential community or for running a successful farming operation. Johnson did little more than defraud investors and piss away our money.

  5. There was no hostile takeover. Two members of the Recovery Team went to the farm to meet with Johnson to negotiate his severance. Johnson was so afraid of them that he hid in the bushes--I kid you not--and then voluntarily abandoned the farm. We had to take over the farm operations to protect its value.

  6. We have never said that McElroy is an investor in the GGC project. This is totally made up out of whole cloth, and also totally irrelevant. She has already lost her money due to the fraud perpetrated by the grifter, Johnson.

  7. We have no evidence that Carpenter worked with the Chilean swindler and Johnson's partner, Mario Del Real. The Recovery Team has never been "aligned"--whatever that means--with Del Real. Del Real has stolen our money and derailed the project. He has consistently worked with Johnson to thwart all our efforts. Del Real has attempted to extort us investors on four separate occasions. To even suggest that we are "aligned" with this creep is laughable.

  8. Johnson tries to make Carpenter's involvement with the Recovery Team seem secretive or clandestine. In fact, he was our employee, supervising the farm, which was immediately disclosed to all the investors. No secret there.

  9. Carpenter was never a bus boy. He was and is a professional chef.

  10. Johnson hired a string of people who had absolutely no experience in real estate sales or real estate development, many of whom were referred to GGC through Berwick's TDV. Typically, they would work only two to three months at GGC because Johnson was so awful. See our blog post: There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that he wouldn't pay his employees on time. Almost all of them were stiffed to one degree or another. Two former employees are owed $8,000 each, another $10,000. Why do you suppose Johnson didn't hire experienced people? Because people with relevant experience would see through his con immediately.

  11. "The GGC project" wasn't working diligently at anything except fraud. There's plenty of plausible deniability, but that's about it.

  12. This "hostile takeover" accusation is another total fabrication. Rather than being guilty of a smear campaign, if Berwick is guilty of anything, it's not going public as soon as he realized that Johnson was a swindler. Sadly, Berwick was implored by some of the investors to remain silent.

  13. The truth is not libel.

  14. Berwick has nothing to do with the GGC Recovery Team's press releases. He's not part of the Recovery Team, but he has financially supported the litigation in Chile.

Wow, every sentence is a lie, one way or another. And amazingly, this lying, thieving grifter has 26 followers on steemit. Hmm. Are you duped by this mendacious monkey with a keyboard, or are you amused by his drunken screeds?

For the real story about the Galt's Gulch Chile Affinity Fraud, go to our webpage at

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