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RE: Putin Prepares for Nuclear War Just Week After Germany Prepares for Attack

in #money8 years ago (edited)

As a native Russian I can't say that I agree with everything that our government is doing, as more or less people live good mostly in big cities (Moscow, st. Petersburg) that accumulate all the money. If you would go 150 km away from Moscow you'll be probably surprised how live people of the most resource-rich country. The average pension is $120-150, the average salary in the provinces is $250-300.
Even my scholarship, as of Ph.D. student of the best Russian university, is $ 110 per month. (My average post at Steemit made more :D).

But you'll be really surprised how adaptive Russian people are. They passed through the Great Patriotic War and they will not cry, if there'll be no money or there is something wrong, but rather they'll stock up on firewood, grow up potatoes and vegetables in the garden (that they will obviously preserve and stock up too). Basically, people in the provinces lives by the fact that ground is feeding them

The problem is that In Russia we have the same issue as Steemit has. 80%+ of all national funds are owned by ~50 people.

Despite everything aforementioned I support Putin in his intentions to defence country, as he is pretty smart and strong guy who can use its power wisely. And all these modern nuclear missiles and air defense systems are defence, not attacking. And as one of the commenters said, Russian doctrine is defensive but not offensive!

I'm sorry if I wrote something that goes beyond the topic


The problem is that In Russia we have the same issue as Steemit has. 80%+ of all national funds are owned by ~50 people.

And you are ok with the fact that 100% of the country is under control of one single person for as long as 17 years?

I'm okay with that if this person is doing well. There is plenty of examples in business when one person successfully leads big corporation for years. IMO leading country is like leading extremely huge corporation.

Nowadays I think we just don't have any feasible candidates who could substitute him that's why he still rules and who knows how long it gonna last.

And why you don't any feasible candidates out of 140 million population?

Because either they don't have a chance do get there or they just don't want to meddle in politics. Same is US, there could be much better candidates for the presidency out of 318.9 million people.

I don't understand what's wrong with 50 people controlling 80% of wealth of the country? And btw most of them are Putin's close friends.

This money is gained from selling natural resources (that btw belong to population) or from some other sources that I'm not gonna touch here. And it's spent for their own need when could be invested to industry and high-tech development.

Just check this and all questions will drop out

Given how well a job Putin has done for Russia, I would hope he's ok. Have you looked at what that guy has achieved?

@phenom NATO has made hard to cheer against Russia. They place more and more military at Russia's border, The Western media spread nonsense bias lies constantly example ( Russian jet fighter spotted flying by US war ship in the Black sea) and they demonize Russia for this? What the hell is the US WAR SHIP doing at the Black sea? hell of a lot closer to Russia than the US.

I feel sorry for Russians living in the West having to listen to this constant propaganda.

There is bullshit propaganda on both sides, but I agree that the U.S. government(!) is seeing themselves too much as a world police

I'm russian too and do not agree with you.
You can describe every country like that.
Just compare life level in Russia now and in 2000s or 1990s

What exactly do you not agree? it would be great if you expressed your thoughts or disagreements in a more descriptive way.

You can describe every country like that.
Like what?

My country - the land of opportunity.
Here, everyone can be anyone.
But no one wants) It was created a terrifying culture of consumption.
Nobody wants to work, to create. Only consume.
Only envy around. Generally - envy is one of the main Slavic features.
And laziness.
And when I once again hear "The blame Putin," I find it funny.
All are guilty.

wtf are you talking about? It seems that you didn't get what I said at all. Ask someone to translate my comment for you

I said that main promblem in Russia is laziness and envy.
All these words about "just defence programms" are just words. And nothin more.
This is the main problem of Russia.

По поводу провинции ты трижды не прав - у меня бабушка живёт в Краснодаре.
Конечно у всех садовые участки, коровы и так далее.
Но ещё и пенсии есть и больницы и дороги и свет и куча разной помощи.
Поезди по провинции - ты увидишь множество огромных домов и не огромных, но добротных.
Кучу машин новых и так далее. Не бедно люди живут в общем) Было бы желание)
Так что не надо ляля)

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