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RE: Part 1: MAKING EXTRA MONEY GUIDE!!! How To Make Hundreds Of Dollars Every 3 Months!!! + 5 Lucky Re-steemers Will Each Get .2 Steem!!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Mmmmmm.... I'm gonna hold off on the resteem this time.

Useful info and people really should have a better idea of what they're doing with all that, but it felt a bit like a "sign up, get your friends to sign, with these companies, own a sports car!" kinda schtick.

I'm one of them marketing folks and that's included being hired by multi level marketers, so I'm a bit sensitive and wary.

But if it's not a constant thing, then I'll go past the up vote.

Praise Kek.


Nothing I posted is any kind of referral links if that is what you are wondering about. Just easy to make extra money signing up for credit cards is all. Have you done it before?

compared credits and shopped around for benefits and cash back? Sure. But it's a "spend money to make money" system. Even if you get free nights at a hotel, you have to get to the location, take the time off work, make all sorts of arrangements, you gotta eat, maybe you get some free shows... so there are still more costs and hoops involved than at first glance.

Nothing's ever free and I never roll with multitudes of cards. A couple for specific purposes but I don't have any desire to bounce around just for stuff I'm not interested in in the first place.

But, them not being referral links is good.

I'm not poo-poo'ing what you're suggesting, absolutely use the system to your advantage if you can get enough of a benefit out of it. Git dat money.

I mean the hotel points is pretty great, hilton and hampton are in almost every city so it isnt hard to get that going if that is what you want to do.

If not, the citi double cash card gives you 1% when you buy and 1% when you pay it off. No annual fee. If you spend 30k a year on rent/buying stuff that 2% adds up to 600 bucks. I make more moneu per year on that cashback than i do for my yearly bonus.

Lots of cards are free and have no annual fees and a lot of people dont take advantage of it.

Redditnhas a subreddit called /r/churning where they just discuss best cards to sign up for and they have a lot of detail.

Myself, ihave 12 credit cards. Credit score over 790 usually. Perfect credit. No unpaid credit cards. No past due bills. Once i did a few cards i got better with managing my money and make more. Everythinf auto pays and i dont spend more than i know can afford.

Multiple cards isnt for everyone, but the citi double cashback i think everyone should have. It really is no annual fee and easy money.

Just trying to help spread some wealth :) hehe. Yeah no referal links.

that does remind me that I need to look into how much cash back I'm due. I usually forget about it and then get pleasantly surprised every now and then.

HEY EVERYONE WHO'S NOT AS INTO IT AS OP! CHECK YOUR REWARDS BALANCES! Cuz like... when's the last time ya did?

Some people also just let them build up as a buffer for random stuff as long as it's not a "use it or lose it" situation. Then it's just this massive wall of possibility that had been building up without paying attention to it unless you need to or just sorta... feel like it.

I'm not really a super money driven guy. Not even really sex or ego driven, tbh. Like... for me personally... this an unnecessary complication to add to my life.

So I guess it's really just a style thing.

Yeah, I am in general always thinking about how to save money.

I think it stems from always playing MMORPG games, I am usually one of the richest people on any given server. Runescape or Guildwars or SWG or SWTOR, just always having mad money! I usually give some away to noobies to help them heh.

But yeah, I do put some research time into the whole thing on that for sure.

I also am going to make a detailed post about this, but I just recently switched from Verizon to Straight Talk on my cell phone plan. I did this because three reasons.

  1. Straight Talk service literally runs on Verizon towers and 2. I am only paying 45 a month for 8GB 4G data compared to Verizon's plan of 79.99 a month for 1 GB of data 3. You can bring your own phone or any phone over to it.

Saved myself per year about 420 bucks on that switch.

Honestly... I pretty much behave like I do in GW2. I have a nice pillow that I've built up that's allowed to fluctuate to certain limits and then I'll derp around til I sort of even out (get the pillow back to that comfy, cool spot) and start all over.

No point in just sitting on the pile but only make dips when the investments are solid. Gotta invest in yourself. I hang out with people and talk about math theory... lol, I keep it simple but stimulating.

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