3 Main Reasons Why you Fail So Many Times

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Failure is one thing that everyone faces at some points in their lives. Although it failure isn't always as bad as it sounds because it gives an experience to do better, persistent failure shouldn't be taken carelessly.


Why then have you been failing continuously?

Failure doesn't come in a day: just as it is possible to work hard and be successful, it is possible to fail; it all depends on the processes we've taken.

You have been failing all the times because you:

  • Procrastinate: Not doing the right thing as at when due is one major determinant that you'll fail definitely. It is too late to check the brakes of a vehicle when they fail on the motion. Do the right thing at the right time.

  • Think negatively: If you have bright ideas but you always think of reasons why they won't work, you will never succeed.

You are what goes through your mind. Think positively.

  • Work Alone: Working alone is good, but you may fail. Ever wondered why a single person can't lay a house's foundation, build it, paint it, run its pipes and make sure it's properly wired?

Aside from not being able to cover more ground, you can't handle everything all alone.

You, only you see to it that you succeed, or fail at whatever you do.

Kindly follow me @Penthespian if you love my article and I'll follow back.


Failure is a great way to learn. It's not all bad . . .

Good read-thanks for sharing :)

I'm glad you love my article. Thanks! I just followed you

Procrastination has been one of my biggest weakness...but, I have started to work on this weakness...now, I stick to my priority list and make sure I complete my task without any procrastination.

Everyone has that problem. There's one way to fight it: simply tell yourself, "This is as important as life to me; this has to be done now. If I don't do this, I will never have the opportunity to do it again."

Always keep a timetable for everything you do and you won't need it again when you get used to the timetable. Set alarms, wear a wrist watch, never say "I'll do it tomorrow"

True that...followed you...looking forward to more good content from your side :)

Thanks a million! ☺

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