Spiritual Elements of Money - Luis Fernando Mises (video/podcast)

in #money6 years ago (edited)

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Luis Fernando Mises is known for his podcast "Emancipated Human", and for teaching servant leadership as a consultant to large companies in the USA. Some people might find it a contradiction that Luis is a corporate man in a suit and tie, and an intensely spiritual man, even a spiritual healer. In fact, there is no contradiction - improving the lives of people in companies and healing souls are goals that are very consistent. Likewise, it seems contradictory to be an entrepreneur in the pursuit of money, and seeking inner fulfillment. As we learn in this interview, money goes much deeper than that. Scroll down to watch and listen to the interview.

Many people point and blame the nameless rich, the unseen 1%, rarely present to defend themselves, and it conjures the image of oil robber barons, Rockefellers and Carnegies. In fact, it only takes $32,400 to be in the top 1% of income earners worldwide - nowhere near the mega-rich level that we're lead to believe.

Is the love of money the root of all evil? Money is a reflection of your energy, putting your effort into creating something, serving others, a representation of your production and service for others. We can use it to improve our own physical reality, enhancing our enjoyment and our friend's enjoyment, and even to produce more wealth, freeing up time to spend it with loved ones. As long as your pursuit of money doesn't cause you to lose your respect for people, it is good.

Join Kurt and Luis on a grateful, entrepreneurial, financial and spiritual journey in the next episode of ... The Paradise Paradox!

To download the audio, right click here and press ‘Save as’

View the full shownotes here: Spiritual Elements of Money with Luis Fernando Mises: The Paradise Paradox Episode 197

Title image credit - Juddweiss.com

About The Paradise Paradox

The Paradise Paradox is a podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people. We cover topics such as crypto-currency, technology, politics, economics, freedom, free-thinking, and psychedelic experiences.

We're reposting our content from our website. To read the full shownotes including related episodes and pertinent links, go to The Paradise Paradox

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I just watched the mini version of this a couple of days ago :)
It was interesting, much of what I raised as comment on the prev post was actually covered in this :)
I have never heard of kratom before. Looking into it now :P

There are a few different strains with different uses... some people use it to get off opiates. But you do have to exercise a little restraint, it can be habit forming.

Thanks Bob

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