5 Bitcoin Millionaires

in #money7 years ago

The Top 5 people who became millionaires thanks to Bitcoin:

#1 : Yifu Guo

Founder of Avalon, the first ASIC miner manufacturing company.

A student at New York University, Yifu Guo mined Bitcoins in his free time to earn some extra cash. He was making enough profit to pay for his rent and bills. Eventually he started to see the future potential of Bitcoin’s and the blockchain. So he dropped out of college and founded the first company to manufacture ASIC Miners (application specific integrated circuit) for Bitcoin named Avalon. These ASIC chips were about 50 times faster than GPU miners and their cost was much less. This was a big breakthrough for the bitcoin mining community, and Yifu started to run out of stuck. Eventually a standard $1500 miner sold for $20,000 on ebay, due to the low supply and high demand.

#2 : Jered Kenna

Bitcoin Entrepreneur

Jered Kenna made his debut when he purchased a batch of Bitcoins at $0.20 USD a piece! He later sold them for $258 USD per BTC. A shocking profit margin, but would've been more shocking at bitcoins current price today (Roughly $1700/BTC)

#3 : Unknown Reddit User


On April 7th 2013 some one posted to reddit that they are now a millionaire with the recent increase of bitcoin's price.
He/She wrote;

"with today's rise in bitcoin I'm officially a millionaire. I'm gonna cash out over the next 30 days. I'll keep 50 % in bitcoin gold and silver for long-term and the remaining 50 % for a house and vanguard. Thank you bitcoin! You changed my life"

#4 : Dave Carlson

Made his fortune from just mining bitcoin.

Bitcoin mining for this man was extremely profitable. Dave Carlson is probably the first Bitcoin millionaire that mined his way to riches. He founded the company MegaBigPower from his basement, then he began to mine on a much more industrial scale. Dave reported that he was making over 8 million a month in 2016 from his 2,000 square foot warehouse full of bitcoin mining hardware.

#5 : Ross Ulbricht

Founder of The Silk Road

You may have heard this story before, Ross Ulbricht was the founder of the illegal website "The Silk Road"
that could only be accessed on the deep web using a tor browser. The Silk Road was a market place for all sorts of illegal activity, lot's of drugs, weapons, and other contraband was traded and sold here and you guessed it, the currency used was Bitcoin.
Ross is now serving a life sentence in prison without parole, and the FBI confiscated all of his Bitcoin Approx. $100 Million worth at the time.

Some people got lucky, some worked hard, and some were evil. But those were 5 people who made their millions thanks to bitcoin.


Thank you for reading! Maybe you'll be next!



Following you from now on, keep on posting! Good job!

I would have been one if I had done what I should have when I first saw bitcoin it was under $1 kicking myself now, oh well such is life :)

who knows, there might be a currency right now that we'll be kicking ourselves later for not buying

we got steem :)

Awesome article! It's incredible how big Bitcoin has become :)

thank you, and yeah it's awesome and this is still just the beginning

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 69828.11
ETH 3825.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.55