
Hey, come on. I dislike berniesanders and his ilk as much as the next person, but let's not make fun of autistic people too here

I agree, autism really isn't a laughing matter and mocking someone by calling them autistic is pretty weak. I've had the privilege to know some autistic people in my life, and while they could not function "normally," they were wonderful people with sweet hearts. That is clearly not the case with those you are referencing here.

LoL it's just a harmless meme, enjoy it. Gosh! Butthurts every where!!

He did make a valid point. Maybe you could go for brain-damaged or full-retard or something.

Still I had a good laugh.

Well not enough for an UPVOTE i guess 😅😅😛😛

Well there was that valid point and I was on very low VP. Now I'm finally above 40%

If u dislike Bernie Sanders and the nasty evil things he does please follow me and upvote this post. I'm trying to help Haejin as much as possible. I've posted more than 400 advertisements on Twitter for him in the past 4 days. Not only is he good at what he does, his good nature makes a huge difference in this world. I normally would not act the way this post is set but sometimes the only way to stop a BULLY or evil doer is to given a taste of their own doing.

If u dislike Bernie Sanders and the nasty evil things he does please follow me and upvote this post. I'm trying to help Haejin as much as possible. I've posted more than 400 advertisements on Twitter for him in the past 4 days. Not only is he good at what he does, his good nature makes a huge difference in this world. I normally would not act the way this post is set but sometimes the only way to stop a BULLY or evil doer is to given a taste of their own doing.

Some good points, dont stoop to the lows of Bernie. That what he wants.

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