Internet startup - how to earn a million dollars in 14 days.

in #money6 years ago


Everybody's dream - right? Well, unless you're the president of KGHM, then then that sum is for you Mr. Pikuś. Nevertheless, most of us here today are not such a president and a round one thousand bubbles in cash would certainly be appreciated.

Well, that each of us would do with that amount. I'm like this ... but come back, it was not meant to be. It was supposed to be like this million to earn

The first million is stealing?
It used to be that belief. In our country there is a lot going further, but rather not abroad. Although the era of dot-coms has passed, still one of the best ways to quickly earn a lot of money online is a startup. And what is a mysterious startup? In short and humanly, this is a website offering a product. Whether it's a program or a forum, or the ability to create a community - it's basically an idea and it's going to be pressed by people who will pay for it in one way or another.

So how to create such a startup and how to earn millions on it? Let's start with how to create a startup. Because, contrary to appearances, it is easier: D

The Ten Commandments "NO" to be thought over;

  1. I do NOT know completely on HTML / CSS / PHP / databases / programming / FLASH / computers.
    Save yourself at this moment. If you do not have at least some basics, your chance to create a startup has fallen by about 1000%.

  2. I DO NOT intend to wield a zloty.
    Even Solomon does not pour from empty beer. Free servers? Free domain? No advertising? And what, can you have free fries for this? You do not have at least PLN 20 for a domain with the end of com (com) - give it a rest. You'll soon find a million zlotys on the street.

  3. I do NOT have a catchy name.
    Many people may disagree, but really: tCHkCHars is a worse name than the Seven Meters Scepter of Forgiveness.

  4. I will NOT share money with anyone.
    This is a serious mistake many startups that I had to deal with and the cause of not one death (not literally, of course). People who already earn huge cash from their net company collect it for themselves and only themselves. I'm not talking about giving everyone on the street thousands of zlotys, but if your friend helped you with the execution of a stupid icon, instead of paying him 5 zlotys and 200 take for yourself, give him 200 ... And you will do it yourself, and he will know that you appreciated his contribution to this project and will help you next time.

  5. I do NOT intend to devote more than one hour per day to a startup.
    An hour a day is a lot ... but for a startup it's about 11 hours too little. Do not kid yourself, you have to control every free moment, even the one on the "throne".

  6. I have no original idea.
    If you think that by copying facebook and adding a euro sponge to it you will become a multimillionaire in two weeks, I would like to enlighten you ... but it is not possible. Just like making a 321084763 page with programs, youtube videos and gossip. And forget about a million five hundred and forty-eight Nokia phone forums ... unless you do it as part of a hobby. Then the idea and the adventure do not count.

  7. I do NOT have a dedicated script (instead I have a ready CMS or script bought on an allegro from user mietek20000 [1])
    So you have the same as at least forty other people, and maybe even about a few million people. If you do not have an ultra genius idea on the Twitter rock, think again about your decision, you will not earn a million. You will have a problem with earning a thousand - but maybe you will be able to get two hundred pennies.

  8. I have NO idea for the future.
    No matter if the ideas are feasible or not - if you have them it means that you are aiming for something. You are chasing after a dream that drives you. If you just want to drummot and wait for coconuts to flow, without worrying about what to do with the service after 15 days ... hello! Sit and think about it. Yes, 20 times.

  9. I do not have courage.
    Important - extremely important. No courage can kill anyone, no matter how brilliant a startup. This courage must also be a bit cheeky, because only in this way are you able to convince people that they need what you offer them. Without it, you will also become a puppet of larger companies that will steal you at the first opportunity instead of paying $ 1.5 billion for the most iconic service of all time.

  10. I DO NOT know what Google is.

We start a startup
Let's summarize what we need to make our startup work.

Idea - the essence of the enterprise. Good, new, and even if a little sublime, it's at least giving new light to something. In the ground, something that was not there. The idea comes simply - you can not force it. You can not sit for hours and figure out that this is our idea because then it will be an ordinary analysis and some introduction to the business plan - which will probably work, but it will not be revolutionary enough to be an ultra brilliant idea for $ 1.5 billion.\

Cash register - do not move it without it. Something needs to be invested to get something back. You do not need much, but for good morning you can forget about PLN 200 (servers, domains, programs, licenses). The costs increase with the scope of the idea. There is also something to overcome: wielding a 100,000 in an idea that may not burn out is even asking for a blow to the head. And that's solid.

Programming and IT knowledge - this is something very interesting. Because many will insist that it is not needed. And I will agree. It is not needed to build a startup that will succeed. However, if our goal - as in the title of the blog - is to earn a million in two weeks is absolutely necessary. Absolutely! Pay attention to the biggest names of the market: Google, YouTube, facebook, or our yard-class and the latest hit of the summer of Chatroulette. Whether those bringing millions (and some billions) of profits, the services were created by businessmen in suits sitting in comfortable armchairs and appetizing sandwiches with blue cheese and olives. No. These are the websites from their IT geeks who infiltrated the nicks to encode them in 14 days [2] they did just such businessmen eating these damned expensive sandwiches. [3]

What is this truss. On the impossibility of giving someone else their commitment, their passion, their ideas. You can ask someone to do a website like this, anyway. But these people will not come to the head of the originator and they will not see it exactly as he saw it ... and the projects ordered have it to the ground that in 99% of cases do not meet 100% of the magical expectations placed in them. What else if we write what we want to get (or at least a large majority).

The end…


Yes, you did what you had to do. The idea is, the cash desk has been lined up, the page written ... now just wait for millions.

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