FREE MONEY: Please read this great work explaining the nature of so called money....

in #money7 years ago


If you think the title of this book is wrong or misleading please reserve your decision until you have finished reading this book. It is not in my nature to be frivolous. The United States has had Free “MONEY” for many years, BUT it is only FREE to those who are aware of how the system works and the NATURE of the new MODERN FREE “MONEY!”

Those people who borrow from Commercial Banks and then “REPAY” their “LOANS” are not aware of their foolishness or of the harm they are doing to the United States. RE-"PAYING” loans from a person that labors to produce goods or services in exchange for MODERN “MONEY” is honorable. RE-"PAYING” loans from institutions that lend only amounts deposited from people who labor to produce goods and/or services in exchange for MODERN “MONEY” is also honorable, BUT RE-"PAYING” “loans” of amounts created by a Commercial Bank is contributing to the relentless destruction of the United States.

Those people who have been enjoying the FREE LUNCHES (they told you there weren't any) have kept their secret well, even now, you do not want to believe that you could ever understand it, BUT hold on and I will disclose it to you in simple language. To do so I will require your patience and attention. Read slow, do not go one word beyond the one that confuses you until you are no longer confused. For contrast which is essential to understanding MODERN “MONEY” I will have to refer to and very briefly explain the significant importance of the role Silver Certificates played in the exchanges of goods and services between the producers and consumers of the United States. I will also have to introduce you to the most unbelievable, stranger than any fiction, truth that ever came to be on Earth — “MONETIZED” debt — (debt accepted by millions as MODERN “MONEY").

Please realize that this book is revealing, in detail, a new advancement in a, thousands of years old, means of a few clever people making virtual slaves out of all the rest of the worlds population without the victim's knowledge.

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Benjamin Disraeli

Having acted foolishly doesn't feel so bad when you understand that BEING UNAWARE, of a truth, is the PARENT of BEING UNAWARE (those unaware, are unaware, of being unaware). The whole story is revealed in my text book: “Money the Greatest HOAX on Earth,” the “income tax” relationship is revealed in two others: “Everything I have was “THEIRS” and “I.R.S. “Indicted” for FRAUD and EXTORTION.” This book deals with the understanding and justice of how one may obtain everything one wishes with the use of FREE MODERN “MONEY” — represented by those green pieces of paper we all ACCEPT AS BEING the money.

There are many who understand the ROLL-OVER technique, by many of its names PONSI GAME, PYRAMIDING, TREASURY BILL ROLL-OVER, DEFICIT SPENDING etc., etc., BUT that is not the theme here. The green pieces of paper we accept as money are non-redeemable and are used merely as representatives of an imaginary medium of exchange you should NOT have to give up anything to get. There is a way to get the MODERN “MONEY” and its representatives, the green pieces of paper, from the Commercial Banks by borrowing them, using them, and then standing ready to accept them back from others for the production and services you offer to others.

The Commercial Banks do not offer anything in redemption for those green pieces of paper except other green pieces of paper. The Commercial Banks are issuers of FREE “MONEY” to those who understand the system.

The Author

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