How The USA is Forcing Countries To Adopt Their Laws: Meet The TPP!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

The USA is losing its grasp on the world economy. And they know it. Emerging countries such as India, Brazil, and China are rapidly becoming the new leaders on the global markets. The response of the US government? Try to force pro-US trade agreements on the rest of the world. So far, only a handful of countries have agreed to cooperate. And it seems Europe is not interested anymore. The secret talks have been going on since 2013, and a few leaks obtained by Wikileaks showed a scary treaty. Yesterday, the full agreement has gone public.

I dived into it quickly to read the articles about intellectual property, which hugely favors the American entertainment industry. It forces countries to adapt copyright laws and allows right holders to sue copyright infringements across national boundaries.

Article 18.74: Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies
Each Party shall make available to right holders civil judicial procedures
concerning the enforcement of any intellectual property right covered in this

Article 18.82: Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours149
The Parties recognise the importance of facilitating the continued development of legitimate online services operating as intermediaries and, in a manner consistent with Article 41 of the TRIPS Agreement, providing enforcement procedures that permit effective action by right holders against copyright infringement covered under this Chapter that occurs in the online environment. Accordingly, each Party shall ensure that legal remedies are available for right holders to address such copyright infringement and shall establish or maintain appropriate safe harbours in respect of online services that are Internet Service Providers.

An Internet Service Provider that removes or disables access to material in good faith under subparagraph (a) shall be exempt from any liability for having done so, provided that it takes reasonable steps in advance or promptly after to notify the person whose material is removed or disabled.

This is what we're dealing with people. The TPP forces ISP's to be internet police and absolves them of any responsibility after that. Countries that currently have no such laws will be forced to implement them. And this is only the tip of the TPP iceberg. It includes articles that allows corporations to sue governments for loss of income due to local laws, it lowers the entry barrier for genetically modified food (good news for Monsanto!), and opens the door for worldwide fracking. Luckily, thanks to our pal at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, the USA has not been able to push this trade agreement through in secret. The public outcry is huge, especially now that we see the complete text. If you live in one of the countries that agree to cooperate, let your voice be heard and stop this attempt at cultural imperialism.

You can find the entire text here, it's a depressing read though!

Steem on!



There's also the TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which covers the other half of the globe. Welcome to the new world order that is, "Corporatocracy"

The decadent empire beyond borders is desperately trying to avoid inevitable drowning in the filthy mire of their murderous past crimes against humanity.
Jerry F. Vierling

It should not be passed. But while the copyright laws are meant to favor hollywood and the film industry in bits, overall, the point is to subvert national law in favor of corporate profits- not so much any one government. Sure, it is the US trying to shove it down our throats, but that is mostly because the American Gov't is the present fascist dictatorial mask worn by the same ol' powers that be to screw the have nots in favor of the haves. Same as it ever was. But yes, this is BS and should be raged against. Problem is many Americans are asleep at the wheel watching the election circus, too worried about having a job tomorrow, or to stupid to realize that this law will effectively end national sovereignty in favor of corporate profit rule.... But I still hope people will wake up before they swallow this.

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