The secret to wealth in the USA

in #money7 years ago

I've read and listened to Robert Kiyosaki and he is right. We aren't given the financial education we need to do well. In school. There are many seminars where you pay thousands of dollars to supposedly get that education. I went to one seminar that charged me $5,000 to learn how to buy real estate. I have bought and read countless books and listened to countless programs. I have heard everything from buying foreclosures to buying tax liens. Do you know what I learned through all of this? Find someone who has done what you want to do next financial. Ask them to help you learn. Then as Nike says,"just do it." Instead of spending all that money on mediocre programs and books you will have actually bought an asset like a stock, bond, crypo currency, house, gold etc. Most of these types of investing are fairly simple. Many teachers make them sound so complex. Just do it and you are likely to be pleasantly surprised by the positive outcomes if you follow one simple rule. Never, ever break this rule. Buy low and sell high. Do it over and over again and you will have financial education. When you break this rule you will lose money. Buy when the asset is 30 to 50 percent off. It is just like shopping at your favorite store on Black Friday. Every asset class eventually gets marked down. Wait for the sake and buy, buy, buy.


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