
Is this because of Obama care? I read somewhere there’s a subset of people that fall through Tehran cracks of coverage and medical has gone up to subsidize the entire scheme and also greed from pharmaceutical companies!

Seems like a lot of corporate greed that American politics simply panders to and the people suffer! I admit I only know as much as what I’ve read so getting a real experience and opinion is facinating like I said I have no idea what it’s like to live in a first world country lol

It could be partly due to Obama care but honestly My insurance premiums have went up every single year even before Obama care.

Plain an simple greed is what drives up the cost.

where about do you live?

We don’t have public medical care, we have public hospitals but you’re better off dying at home to be honest!

I have no medical whatsoever and pay anything I have to with cash!

There are people with private medical cover but most of those who have it only because their job subsidizes it!

I personally believe it’s too much money, thought I’d take my chances and life well just as the last 1000 years of Africans lived!

If I were single I would be right there with you, but with a family I need that safety net.

So the family man sort of gets disincentivised to have a family or have a smaller family? Probably why these countries have such low birth rates and require immigration to keep new people coming in to prop up the system.

Greed really is non-sensical but we've kept pushing the boundaries of this insanity further.

I'm so super stoked at how well this post was received so many amazing responses. learning so much

yup, the family is hit harder. much much harder...

congrats on the responses you are receiving. It's great when a post provokes suck responses.

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