How to Get Rich Without Going to SchoolsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago


First of all, is this even possible? Is it really possible to become rich without going to school? Yes! It's absolutely possible. But it's not easy.

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This post was inspired by Lewis Howes and his recent Instagram post. The things that he says while talking to Ellen on The Ellen Show are extremely true. Although it's difficult to become rich without going to school, it's entirely possible.

The following are things that are needed in order to accomplish this.

1. Have a Dream

This is extremely important for EVERYONE. This is important for people that do go to school and for those that don't. For people that go to school, there is a set curriculum to follow in order to gain experience and knowledge for that specific end goal. But for people that don't go to school, there is not a clear path on how to increase your experience and knowledge.

This is why having a dream is very important. Having a dream and an end goal allows you to have a sense of direction; it gives you a reason as to why you will work hard to become successful. Without this, becoming rich is like shooting an arrow in the dark while the target is a mile away. It's technically possible, but it's extremely unlikely.

2. Get an Education

Only because a person doesn't go to school, that doesn't mean they don't need to be educated.

Going to school is only one of the many ways to get an education. Once you have a dream that you're willing to work for, becoming educated is the next step. You MUST become educated for that specific goal. A great example would be becoming a real estate investor. If you want to become a real estate investor, you don't need to go to college to learn the trade but you must learn how to identify potential properties, run the numbers, and how to successfully close. This is the kind of education that I'm talking about.


Find a mentor

Only because you don't go to school, it doesn't mean you don't need an education. You need to read books, seek mentorship, watch videos, and do everything you can to learn new skills and develop yourself into a person capable of accomplishing your dreams. This takes time and effort, but it's important.

3. Believe and Achieve

There's a book and a movie called The Secret. In it, the book explains that if you have a strong desire for something, the universe will be in your favor to eventually grant you with your desire. Yes, you must believe in yourself and in what you're doing. Yes, you must desire for your dream to come true. But simply believing and desiring it won't make it happen.

You must first believe, but you must then take ACTION in order to achieve. The purpose of believing and desiring is to make you want success so badly that your actions start to change towards the direction of your eventual success. Your mind controls your actions, just as your head controls your body. If you have the correct mindset, beliefs, and desires, they will manifest themselves into actions that will lead you in the direction of accomplishing your dream.

It's entirely possible to become rich without going to school but it's not an easy thing to accomplish. It requires hard work, dedication, and an unwavering passion for what you do. Obstacles and setbacks will come, but pushing through them will eventually get you to the success you deserve.

Best Wishes!




Hi, I saw your post on Facebook and once I caught my attention.
If something is true, the future belongs to the person who believes in the beauty of their dreams.
I follow you and support.

Thank you so much! Love what you said. We all must believe in our dreams. It is possible to become successful :)

good info but u need education to live sucess

Yup. I completely agree! But education doesn't only come from school. It can also come from self-education and mentorship. School may not be necessary, but education is a must! Thank you for the comment :)

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