Steemit IRA: Retirement on the Blockchain

in #money7 years ago

Let's face it, the real value of Steem, and the Steemit blockchain is still a few years away. It is difficult to work day in and day out in a volatile market like digital currencies and keep a 2-5 year plan in focus (let alone a 2-5 month plan).

Yet, once you become part of this community I think you'll agree you aren't going anywhere anytime soon. I believe it would be helpful to look at our efforts here as an IRA, and begin investing as such.

What if you could build a nest egg from blogging 10 hours a week on Steemit?

Fair warning, there are going to be a lot of numbers in this post. We are going to calculate what you could save over a 5 year period by earning $25 per post, posting 5 articles a week, and following 2 simple rules. The rules are as follows:

  • Rule #1: Reinvest 50% of the Steem Dollars you receive from your posts.

  • Rule # 2: Always remember Rule #1.

Some of you are reinvesting 100% of the Steem Dollars you receive from your posts, and that is great. Other folks are cashing out those Steem Dollars to pay for items in their home, and that is good too.

Our example assumes that we will use half of the Steem Dollars from our post rewards for pertinent needs in our home, and the other half we reinvest in our Steemit nest egg.

We will start with a 1000 Steem Power account for easy math and relatability. The year by year example below shows the growth of your Steem Power as you dollar cost average with the rising price of Steem. Our target price for Steem in 5 years is $100.

Year End Growth of Steemit Account

Steemit 2017: 1 SBD = 0.5 Steem
Steem price: $5
Steem Power: 2125

Steemit 2018: 1 SBD = 0.1 Steem
Steem price: $10
Steem Power: 2575

Steemit 2019: 1 SBD = 0.04 Steem
Steem price: $25
Steem Power: 2755

Steemit 2020: 1 SBD = 0.02 Steem
Steem price: $50
Steem Power: 2845

Steemit 2021: 1 SBD = 0.01 Steem
Steem price: $100
Steem Power: 2890

The bottom line is that reinvesting half of your Steem Dollars and not powering down over the next 5 years could be worth $289,000 to you.

Here's the thing, Steem could go to zero and all this is for not. However, how many other things do we risk 10 hours a week on for a much smaller return or none at all?

One more thing, the calculations I did were not including the curation rewards from a 1000 Steem Power account. You could look at that as a dividend compounding for you over the next couple of years. Currently, a fairly active curator at 1000 Steem Power is averaging 168 Steem Power a year. You want to do the math?

Thank you for visiting.alt text me for more great content.

Image Sources: 1-2-3


Great post, longevity is a great way to re-invest as well as have good payout. UpVoted. Cheers.

Absolutely. Cheers mate.


Bitcoin did even better than that...
Your thesis could become a reality in less than half a decade my friend.

If Steem falls to zero, then we all spent time becoming better writers while flexing our creativity muscle.

Steem is a win-win no matter what happens.

The pretty happy dolphin 🐬
(That's dolphin for "great job man!")


A win win for everyone no matter the outcome - though Steem at $100 sounds like more trips to Vegas.

Lol! Hoo hoo🦉
(That's owl for hoo da man?)

that is a fun way to think of things once you break it down... POWER UP!

great info, now I have an overview of how to invest my steem, this was so useful.

Good to hear!

the logic is sound - let's hope events follow logic ,or, we at least get through the next 4 yrs. without being blown up

Amen to that.

Very good Analysis

Excelent just keep going and have fun thanks for share..!! :)

It's simple, just imitate the big investors.

Control the risk of loss and the earning potential is unlimited.

Nice article :)

Good analysis.

Thank you. :)

Nice one....thanks for the info...just powered up

Good deal. 💪

I know I am a heretic for saying it, but I always take half my earnings out. Simply because there is many a slip between the cup and the lip. My eye is always on risk management. If Steem goes to zero for any reason, I still have half my earnings.

I would not call you a heretic for that. You have wisdom and years of experience to know not to jump into one basket with your assets.

Continue investing prudently my friend.

Thanks as always for your kind words. It means a lot :)

You're welcome. :)

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