
I hope some whales discover you

Thank you :-)
Yesterday I had luck and I feel much more support from whales will come.
I will do my best to offer her valueable content and my own creations.
What is really good that I have mastered several blogs with 2 years expierence and much internet marketing connection all over the world.
Yesterday a 65 year old client from Texas signed in on Steemit which normally really does not like Bitcoin. Half a y ear ago I mentioned Bitcoin and he got a little nerved so that I jumped quick to an other discussion.
I just made a screenshot with my 260 Dollar post. 5 minutes later he signed in.
A German article on my Herzensleben blog and webinars will follow and I hope to direct a few hundred into Steemit and so into crypto currencies.
Atm I prepare explain videos how to change password english/ german cause my audience will neeed tutorials and it is even a good promotion for Steemit on You Tube/ Vimeo.
The cool thing is that is not work for me I really love what I am doing.

blockchain "bassed" community?
I'm not a native english speaker but that does not seem to be correct, eh?!

So now everything should be fine. Thanks again for reminding.

So many I talk to are hesitant

I know what you mean do not explain so much show them the easy login.
Afterwards when they recognize what steemit does, is, can, they will be very thankful ;-) Even if somebody has in 5 years only his 5 starter steams without doing anything he will at the end kiss your feets ;-)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 66297.29
ETH 2682.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.87