
Actually. It is a reform supported by many prominent economists. It is quite interesting to read about it. They calculate a yearly amount of basic income based on an inflation target.

An example.
If they want 1% inflation the amount that can be created is lower than if the inflation target is set to 4%.

"prominent economists" are always touted by the politicians that directly benefit from their economic policies. It's the reason Keynesian policies are touted so often. Inflation is a hidden tax on the citizens while allowing politicians to pay off their debt with future currency that is devalued.

And you push for this.

Basic income is IMHO the only sane reform atm. It has the potential to undermine bureaucracy and almost everything governments do. It will push the entire world away from authoritarian thinking. We would arrive at a voluntary world much faster.

However. I think it needs to be funded mostly with unearned income. Unearned income would be collected and turned into another form of unearned income, the basic income. (This is the only morally acceptable redistribution.)

Taxes on value creation (earned income) is counterproductive because we want more value to be created. The income tax needs to go away as soon as possible. It is the worst kind of tax. Income tax is a barrier to change in this world. It has to go.

Inflation is only a tax on hoarding the currency. If you spend or invest this currency as soon as you get it you will not experience any loss of purchasing power. With other words: It is a tax that can be avoided. It is a voluntary tax. You decide if you want to hold the currency and thus lose purchasing power. It would speed up the evolution of cryptocurrency. So yes. I support everything that makes the world more voluntary. And a basic income financed using a small inflation target together with collection of unearned income would do alot in this regard.


I don't think this is the angle the SA government is coming from, seems more like distraction money from all the government corruption...just my opinion, I'm all for volunteerism, but it's doesn't doesn't like the current state of SA is rational and stable, more like halemarys from desperate regime

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