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RE: Where and How to Store Money ?

in #money8 years ago

Bitcoin 150.884% - Low (Hackers)


-1- 9/10 coins are scams
-2- Literally everywhere hackers
-3- Most people owning bitcoun got scammed and/or hacked at least once since 2011

I don't think your "ratings" of risk are objectively accurate. You just threw them there.

If you ask random people in the street and they will rarely tell you that their money got stolen from a bank or a savings account. That's like almost never.

Ask half of bitcoin holders and they will tell you that they got hacked or scammed at least twice.

  • I havent said to invest in altcoins. I consider Bitcoin and a few others to be worth it. I don't think 90% of coins are scams, but definitely more then 50% are. So I was talking about BTC not altcoins here.
  • Not really, I mean if you don't scream HEY I HAVE 1000 BTC IN WALLET XXXX COME AND HACK ME PLS , you will probably not get hacked. Get a hardware wallet if you are very worried.
  • And it's my fault that people are dumb to invest in scams? Clearly bitcoin has nothing to do with scammers, you get scammed on almost any penny stocks, so what? Alteast bitcoin itself is stable. Now if you start investing in bitcoin doublers, that is another thing. But if you just hold your bitcoins, it should be no problem.

If you ask random people in the street and they will rarely tell you that their money got stolen from a bank or a savings account. That's like almost never.

Not if you ask people from Cyprus, who got a nice haircut on their deposits:

I have bitcoin since about 2013, and never got hacked, never got robbed, never got scammed.

And I have only followed a few basic safety protocols, nothing extraordinary.

that's because you were rather late on the game.

Not if you ask people from Cyprus, who got a nice haircut on their deposits:

I am cypriot. Check my profile. Half of that article is bullshit. Cypriots just created a scam schme through the banks and invested in toxic mortages so they could enjoy a 7% interest on their bank account.

again. your article is not speculative. you are just guessing

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