
you should do your research before hurling insults, if you are trying to be credible.

By the way, controversy is good marketing for doom porn vendors. You are not hurting your enemy here.

I made an honest detailed critique. Remove the flag or you are getting into my shitlist. I won't elaborate more homeless boy.

If you don't agree with my points then write counter arguments. calling trolling every single thing you don't like is not actually a thing, (unless you are 15 of under)

I think it's hilarious you think you can make threats, after trolling, and still look shiny.

I read over again your comment and I wonder why you don't understand the mechanics of a protection racket is about inflicting violence to demand payment for protection services, and why creating false controversy is not a manipulation tactic, to control the narrative.

I am reading a book at the moment, in between things called 'Invisible Armies' by Max Boot, and you only have to do a bit of reading about terrorism and insurgency and such soundbites as 'hearts and minds' 'population based counterinsurgency', to understand that you can't take anything anyone says at face value or on faith. Anyone who believes anything that is anywhere is a fool, because the record of false media as part of political/military agendas is easy enough to find.

You give these uninformed labels without even bothering to learn about the things discussed that assume knowledge of a certain field, that being espionage, propaganda and other forms of information warfare. While I don't claim to be an expert on who pays who and all that stuff, I am pretty confident I can say that if you use words like 'tinfoil' and 'conspiracy theorist' that you have swallowed a certain narrative that conforms with their agenda and you think that people who read TDV are all literally insane. First find out what it's about, and understand it.

People read often just to be entertained and maybe some of this talk is tabloid grade, but National Enquirer does a pretty swift trade and nobody has taken them down for publishing nonsense...

I steadily debunked every single article your fan boy wrote so far. I drained his reputation and shilling with simple critical thinking. The only ones left are beta sheeple like yourself.

As far as I am concerned the flag people remind me those kids in school who went on telling to the principle because they couldn't man up and take care the situation themselves. they grew up and now they live in their moms basement.

Flags are to be used for abuse and innapropriate material. Labeling comments on as "flagging" material make you look more pathetic than you are already.

If anything his impending doom articles should be considered trolling and flag material by your standards. Double standards much? ( I guess critical thinking is not your strong part huh?)

so long.

There is always propaganda in everything. even crypto. it is called marketing. I am just calling your leader out for manipulating public thought much like the ones he is accusing doing to the rest of us.

TDV is not insane. He just found a bunch of morons to take advantage, much like politicians do in their respective countries.

(stop changing your comments. make new ones) .

You assume I even follow anyone. Did you bother to think about why you never saw my comments here before or very often and think about the fact that I am only a casual reader. I have a few adoring fans here and there also but I don't really understand or like this groupie mentality.

What is the objective of your hostility to achieve anyway? Do you want censorship or disregard to be the response? Paying so much attention to it you are letting something you outwardly claim to hate yet you spend all your time wallowing in it and making up stories about what a terrible conspiracy this all is.

Oh, wait.

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