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RE: ScaredyCatGuide thinks Dave Ramsey Gave This Kid Bad Advice on Crypto

in #money7 years ago

Dave doesn't believe in unnecessary risk. With that in mind, why would he recommend a kid at 17 years old take a risk on crypto when he could be investing in a 401(k), a Roth 401(k) and mutual funds that have a history of long-term financial gain and steady return. I'm sure you don't disagree with this either and would advise him to diversify his portfolio with a small percentage on "riskier" items such as crypto. However Dave doesn't condone that kind of behavior and with that behavior could lead to.


The practice of prudence is great and there is a place for that. There is also a place for taking risk. Risk is a scale that should be higher when you are younger and level down as you age. If one is going to take a calculated risk on crypto, 17 yrs old is about as good as it gets. Putting 1k into an IRA an then the other 1k in crypto would be more than ok, but that's just my opinion.

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