WOW! I Can Upvote A $0.000 Value Comment to $0.700 Now! Join This Post for TIP WARS!

in #money7 years ago (edited)


Comment something interesting or fun below and get an Upvote!

Big ups to @anejosua for spamming @tippy tips and crashing the bot! LMAO. Well done.
Back up now but it's an early experimental alpha version and is unstable!
Please don't deposit large amounts or any amounts you aren't afraid to lose.

I'll be upvoting all "non-crap" 1st level comments below and hope everyone does the same!



hello.pngSalut les amis !
I wonder if you still tip here after 3 days @klye ...? May we have some SBDLove in exchange to cheerfulition and wonderfulness ? ^_^

You said upvotig non-crap comments? what do you mean, also how is the tip bot going, can I use that to distribute to people rather than doing it by hand?

lol. Yeah I upvoted everything basically... oops.

The tip bot will function in a way that allows users to deposit x amount and then be able to tip it whenever they like via text. Meaning that no longer will you have to go to your wallet page to send STEEM or SBD to another account.

For instance I can use the following command:

@tippy tip j3dy 0.001 sbd "This is a test memo, thanks for your interest in this project"

And even though I've not left this comment or page I can still send you a tip.. :D

This bot will likely help sculpt the way we do things around here. I will be open sourcing the bare bones engine as well to allow others to build upon it.

Have a good one!

@Tippy Help & Commands
tipTip a User@tippy tip klye 1.337 STEEM
powerupTip SP to User@tippy powerup klye 0.690 STEEM
balanceCheck Balance@tippy balance
statsView Statistics@tippy stats
infoInformation & Fees@tippy info
pingCheck Service Status@tippy ping
voteUpvote Parent Post@tippy vote
flagFlag Parent Post@tippy flag
Admin Commands
feeSet Tipping Fee@tippy fee 1%
service stopShuts Down The Service@tippy service stop
uptimeinfoDisplay Uptime Info in Console@tippy uptimeinfo on/off
debugTurns Debug Output On or Off@tippy debug on/off

good idea yeah there was the elyaque badges bot, but it had to be a separate comment I think, other than that, it looks great, I've also brushed past some Discord bots, where you can use them to search and get notifications, specific word searches and such,

Good idea, I hope it works well and I hope it can handle the load, hopefully the open sourcing it will gets some brains on it :) It's pretty nice I can just deposit and type out how much and where :) I also hope it doesn't get abused since you can probably find the posting keys people used for those third party apps the voting bots and other such sites.

No keys required in this one. Never did like giving my posting or account keys to services so would never design something where you had to relinquish keys just to use the damn thing

I agree, by the way could you clear something out, can you post with just the posting keys or do you need to log in to do that :)

I ment that somebody could do a reverse search and find if you were using a bot engine, than break that, get the keys, use them here :D too much crypto-drama I suppose, but still, everything is in the clear :)

Could you spare and gib some SP to poor minnow so I can vote up other people and make this community better. Steem force will repay you I am sure of it. Congratulations @klye! Enjoy your wealth.

Great idea this, Sometimes the comments on a post are far more interesting than the content in itself. The sliding bar is good too if you use it wisely you can determine in what order comments will be visible to other readers. Did I pass? :)

@tippy tip mallorcaman 0.001 SBD

Great idea
Sometimes comments interesting
sliding bar

I turned your comment into a Haiku :D

I don't see a sliding bar on I overlooking it or something?

That's a great point. Thanks a lot!

It's winter where I am in the Southern Hemisphere but it's still warmer than Toronto today.

@tippy tip stephen-somers 0.001 SBD

@tippy - Tip Error - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Error!

Not enought STEEM in your account!
Send STEEM or SBD to @tippy to top up account!
@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service - Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!


@tippy balance

lol crashed it

@klye's Account Balance:
0.000 STEEM
$0.246 SBD

@Tippy - STEEM & SBD Text-to-Tip Bot

@tippy tip klye 0.002 SBD

cute @tippy sick :(

Yeah. It still needs a few systems finished.

Not even close to done.. But it sometimes runs smoothly now. :D

 @ CALL │ TIP - @anejosua to @klye of 0.002 SBD

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at Object.parse (native)
    at C:\Users\KLYE\Projects\tippy\tippyv007.js:1043:20
    at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:446:3)


@klye , tippy @tippy u need more energy :( beer? weed?

For some reason it NUKED it's balances stats and blockdata.. lmao

It is work day and I love it :)

this is no crap comment :)

@tippy tip @hastla 0.001 SBD

thats awesome... even didn`t know it is existing :) thx

"God" is "Dog " backwards.

@tippy tip adammac 0.001 SBD

I mowed my grass today, with a push mower. This is about as interesting as I can get.

@tippy tip lig007 0.001 SBD

I feel sorry for you :( I hate mowing the grass even with my electric mower, so I feel for your pain!

You are feeling the force now!

@tippy tip meesterboom 0.001 SBD

Ha, that totally worked!

yup, boss @klye try hard build cute @tippy
never sleep...

And he is doing a grand job!!

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