Money, the ultimate tool for evil? part 2/2

in #money5 years ago

This text is, however, about how money (mono : one – ey : eye. One eye) is the ultimate tool for evil, and not about geopolitics. So lets get back to that idea. Lets also look at some monetary terminology; like currency. Currency is a word for something that is flowing. And a flow is part of nature, like a river, that gives life. And that is one way to use words representing something needed with something that is not needed, like a money. Because what can you do with money alone? Nothing. Well you can use it as paper or the metal that makes up the coins, but that's it. So why is it valuable? Because of a belief system. Like a religion. So what is the Satanic religion of money making people do?
One thing is that individuals called order followers is doing is to take orders and go kill people in other areas (countries) in the world for money. We call it “war” and “spreading democracy” and the people are called soldiers(sol diers? Soul Diers? Killers of souls?) and “freedom fighters”. I believe there is another term for it; Hired killer?

One could of course argue that its not the effect of money that's causing this behavior, but rather individuals choosing immoral behavior. While, yes, that would be true if we had the option of relatively easily life without needing money to live. But that have not been the case for some 100 years now. How did we even get to this point where we are dependent on a fabricated something we call money, that today is mostly a number on the screen. With no connection to nature and reality. (there exist documentaries and explanations of other forms that deals with that question) So then seeing as society at large is dependent on this, money, what choices do you think someone with a family would make, that say, worked for the state in some way. But later learned that it was corrupt, and that if he spoke out about it he would be arrested for supposed treason. And that had happened to many already. When in reality it was the state that was, in effect, against its people.

“Money is power” - “power corrupts”

But its not always as clear and obvious, as it is when we look back at what happened in the past. Specially if you are someone working for the system in the system with something isn't directly negatively affecting someone. Like education. Something that is, in effect, programming of the human mind. Being it a good or bad program, that is simply 1 way to frame it. And is that education system programs the mind to think that the state is your god, in effect, then that's not easily noticeable to be a bad thing. Specially, again, if the state is presented as, and talked about as to be “for the people”. Even if it is in effect operated to benefit the powerful and rich. Why else would you need enforced collection of taxes that a centralized small group decides what to do with. But this leads into yet another aspect of the system based on money. One that James Corbett Deals with in great detail on lies media tells us and political jargon.

And this nicely leads to, yes, the media. The news and events we hear talked about on TV and large publications. If a reporter does not know that the story he get payed to write is full of lies, then how can he know hes doing an amoral act? And act of deceiving the public into a specific way of thinking. Like calling for war. Not to mention the people that even knowing they are talking BS, still does it as if it was important because they need the job. (yes, this is happening today) One could even use this excuse: “I'm not doing something wrong by telling the public about what happened to a certain celebrity, even thou there is large protests going on against certain decisions made by the state, that is not reported on.” Whats more important?

There is many examples I could give on payed jobs that people today do that in various direct or indirect ways hurt the population as a whole and benefit a select few. And one of, if not the main reason, why its done, is because people need the money to live or want the big house and the nice car and so on that they cant get without the money the job pays.

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