DTube - Mnuchin Says Weak Dollar Is GOOD As Dollar Continues To COLLAPSE

in #money7 years ago

One of our most recent video reports!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent revelations from US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin in Davos at the World Economic Forum where he claimed that a weak US Dollar is a good thing for America which quickly led to it falling to its 3 year low versus the Euro and sank in comparison with the Japanese Yen.

Now it's not entirely innacurate to say that the a weak dollar is good for the United States. Temporarily in the Keynesian mindset it does bring more people to buy things in the United States. HOWEVER, (and that's a big however) it leads to certain crisis.
We're talking about something that will lead to massive inflation and debt. Something that will cause a dramatic amount of instability in the monetary system.

Of course all fiat currency eventually reverts to its intrinsic value of zero. It always has, it always will going back to 1024 AD in China. This time will be no different. Except... it will be far more epic as the stakes are much higher.

As countless countries swap out of the US Dollar as the world reserve currency we are seeing a lot of the Davos elite looking towards the SDR at the IMF and desperately attempting to install a centrally planned cashless society before interest rates hit below zero. As the Federal Reserve desperately attempts to push interest rates up to manipulate the economy further into temporary security, it will not be enough to sustain it and we will see a massive crash of the dollar with interest rates in negative territory.
This is why the central banking system is desperate to push into this cashless system because it secures them from any bank runs and people will then be in perfect servitude to the banking system via legal tender laws on a global basis. They will truly have their pawns.

Now it's important to leave this article off by saying the fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the monetary system, so there's no saying WHEN the crash will happen, but we know it WILL indeed happen which is why we need to be prepared. It's better to be over prepared than under prepared. Self sustainability and financial responsibility is a hallmark of freedom itself and if we don't look towards individualism and responsibility we will find ourselves on the wrong end of the inevitable crash.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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I think it was Doug Casey that said the USD is the prettiest horse in the glue factory.

The manipulation is strong
And it won’t crash when many think
But it will eventually. Preparing too early is better then not preparing at all 👍

You really speak FAST and Concise! The federal reserve needs to be abolished. All central banks need to go the way of the dinosaur.

Dollars will always great I thought.

A weak dollar is good for those of us with an investment in metals, cryptos, and other alternatives. However, the result will be more economic instability and chaos for everyone.

the crash is not a good thing but every crash comes with a hero that helps provide solution to the economy, for example the 1929 crash came heroes like Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his distant cousin Theodore Roosevelt. So, who is the next hero when the crash finally comes ?

Plot twist: There is no hero

The question is not if but when and how.
What role will Gold, Silver, and Crypto play then ...

Thanks for the macro post on the US & the dollar. Your right many an economist would say a low dollar is good for the US. That would of been true in the 70's when the US was a net exporter but now its a net importer a weaker dollar is horrific for the economy and its citizens. If the trend continues with the USD it will result in losing its reserve currency status. The wheels are in motion is just about of when.

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