DTube - The Prosperity Of Gold & Silver In A Dollar Crash!

in #money7 years ago

One of our most recent video reports!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the historical prosperity of gold and silver in a dollar crash scenario as we approach the inevitable end of another fiat currency.
Gold and silver are not meant to be investments, though they have been treated that way in recent days. They are meant to be wealth insurance. So while you can gain value out of them, it's meant to maintain value in the event of a currency crash.
All fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero. They always have, they always will going back to 1024 AD in China. While we cannot put a date on the crash due to fundamentals being off the table as the currency is so incredibly manipulated, we know it has to happen. Historically, gold and silver have prevailed in dollar crashes. Going back to the Sung Dynasty in China as they printed worthless paper IOUs, gold has been great security for those holding it.
Gold and silver have been vastly manipulated in recent years. In 1933 when gold was confiscated under FDR in the United States, the gold was used to fund the creation of the Exchange Stabilization Fund which manipulates gold prices. Later, remaining gold was used to fund the creation of the IMF.
Since 2012 especially, we have been in an artificial bear market for gold and silver as banks such as Deutsche Bank and HSBC vastly manipulate the price while we also see incredible outflows and inflows of ETFs in order for investors to attempt to make money off of the precious metals.
However, this creates a beach ball effect. When the currency goes down we will see the banks go down. When the banks go down, gold and silver having been held down and undervalued for so long gaining pressure like a beach ball under water will bounce and show itself once again to be a historical store of wealth.

Looking at hyperinflation throughout history, gold and silver have held up. Whether it be the Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Croatia or any of the other hundreds of fiat crashes throughout history.

That doesn't mean that a gold standard is the answer as once again that entails centralization. Creation of more IOU notes than there are gold reserves and again that means dependency on banks and government.

Of course gold and silver should be teamed with diversification in other great competitive currencies. There shouldn't be ONE main legal tender currency. Cryptocurrencies with good fundamentals have great potential as well. In the end, the market should decide. You, the market. If stores want to trade goats for goods and services, they can. But they likely will not. They will likely conform to using that which is most popular and easy. Gold, silver and cryptocurrencies.

And with that, as so many mention, you cannot eat gold. No, that's why you must learn to be self sufficient as well. Food, water, shelter, defense, sound monies.

Let's learn how to insure wealth. Be educated. Be over prepared if anything, rather than underprepared.

Responsibility is the hallmark of freedom itself.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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The metals are just so difficult to store though. Having been used to the convince of cryptos, I just can't see myself buying a safe to store gold and silver.

What do you guys buy when you purchase gold/silver?

Silver Maples?
Silver Eagles?

Here in Norway there is a tax on bars but not on coins. Normally bars are cheaper though. If it wasnt for the tax i would much rather save some money and buy bars because they are usually cheaper. Also check out how pure the metal is.
Be aware of gold bars filled with tungsten though.

I suppose the main problem with gold and silver are that they perform terribly when times are good and it's almost impossible to predict when times will turn bad. However if you are a holder during bad times then you will make fortunes. It's short period, high return investment. Making a profit therefore has a lot to do with long term timing. Not everyone has 10, 20 or even 30 years to wait.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a gold and silver investor, have been for 20 year, but so far have failed to make (and keep) much money because I've held through the spikes and endured the troughs.

a good story I was inspired to read it and steady, sorry if wrong in your post

Great story

very interresting

Great post! Definitely I have to consider a few things.

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