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RE: Lions! A Short-Term Bounce In The Dollar Is Likely, Let's Capitalize On It. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

Nice! Glad to see Greg is following along with my dollar spews. Now it's "mano vs Mannarino." Can I save the dollar as I "attempt" to crush teh cryptos? Can Greg save the dollar...and by doing so bring Bitcoin to its knees if he is proven right about his "buy the dollar!!" call? Will I be "forced" to save Greg from "attempting" to save the dollar via his "slightly Miss Timed" UUP buy call from Greg? Or is it he who will be forced to rescue my sorry ass? This could get exciting folks. :-) At least Greg and I now with teh title of my "buy the dollar!" blog >>> What goes dooown...MUST go UUP!! :-)


Awesome. Ill be watching

Was my BTC "sell here at $2595!" call the highest entry for anyone at your contest? I doubt anyone said BTC will see sub $2400 by teh end of the day. I won't try and squeeze any more juice out of the lemon than a cover at $2400...even tho bitcoin has a great chance of moving MUCH loower here. I'm not like Greg trying to sqeeze the last morsels out of his XLF trade. You're a PIG, Greg. :-) Just joking buddy. How can I tussle with anyone who agrees with me on King dollah? Do you realize how difficult it is to convert a dollar bear to a dollar bull? You wanna try it? :-)

Lastnights High for BTC was $2768.08

You didn't enter but you would have won the prize cause you were the closest.
You can check it out if you want:

It is The Cryptocurrency Challenge and I have 4 Cryptos that people can bet on the Daily High for that day and earn 50% of the posts. (BTC, LTC, STEEM, & ETH)

I think you may like it.


There was no Bitcoin high at $2700+ last night. High in the last 24 hours was $2605. Here's the proof. Just pull back the trade window to 24 hours to see it.

The price you are getting might be coming from a purrtickler coin exchange. I hear that some of the exchanges clear trades through data miners that accept premiums over "actual" price to get trades verified. Paying "up" by the large holders is another disadvantage to the small traders. The bitcoin market is easily the one where misallocation of funds is out of control. At least you have a chance trading U.S. stocks via "fiat" dollars. You have "zero" chance if you are a little guppie trading bitcoin. :-)

Here is where I got the data from for the 25th of July Date. On the Contest it shows that this is the site being used for price data:

I say >>> No waaay bitcoin traded at $2700+ yesterday. I still figger it has to do with pricing on teh various exchanges. I recall one guy over at Utube was all "excited" about his bitcoin buy at $1700 on the drop that took it to the mid $1800's just before the "ramp the idiot" rally based on the softfork news. The guy was deinitely trying to toot his own horn after the rally began...cept he was fos! :-) Here ya go, another sorce, a good source too.

No way it saw $2700+ yesterday. getting ready to cross sub $2400 tho. Don't forget to tell the guy who "got it right" at your contest that he can come and see me if he wants to find out how I "knew." :-)

BTC tagged $2400 spot dead on in teh "real" world. Here ya go. Shall I say >>> "Mission Acoomplished!" ??? Or does that just lead to war like when George W. Bush said it in teh year 2003? :-)

Keep following my "live" bitcoin ticker using the 3 hour timeframe. Altho I am tracking the longer term price using my U.S. exchange traded bitcoin tracker GBTC, the live ticker tells you everything within minutes of it "actually" happening. The bitcoin "plunge protection" team actually stepped up at that $2400 low. But even that "manipulator" is now bailing out here at $2440...ish. :-)

I could print a mint in U.S. dollars if these exchanges had a money market fund tied to each account. "Regretfully" for those who are actually trading it they are "forced" to convert to another depreciating crypto...and crap like vertasium, EOS, ETH, etc will continue to get hit even harder than bitcoin will. Let's see how long they can hold this up. I'd like to see GBTC trade thru $407 now. That's a lower high as outlined on my GBTC bitcoin tracking blog. if it happens...loook out below for bitcoin prices.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 70718.81
ETH 3799.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.45