Breaking: Buterin - Not supporting Plasma ICO, shakes finger at Raiden. Hmmm..

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Breaking: Buterin - Not supporting Plasma ICO, shakes finger at Raiden. Hmmm..


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure to make your acquaintance, it's very nice to meet a fellow Steemian.

After reading the below news article, I experienced some inner conflict.

The Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged" side of me is fighting with the "Cryptocurrency Community Advocate" side.

Imagine that?

Anyway, here is the link:

I'd love to know what your opinion is on this issue...



"Many thanks for reading my post. And if you enjoyed it, please: Upvote, Follow, Comment and Resteem. - JaiChai "My mind was a terrible thing to waste..."

About the Author

JaiChai has been in the cryptocurrency space for over 6 years. He is an enigma, regarded by his cohorts as sarcastic, funny, intuitive - but most of all, elusive. JaiChai alternates long dormant periods with concentrated episodes of frenzied commentary - only to go silent again. He’s known for randomly submitting philosophical and contrarian posts on most cryptocoin forums.

When asked about his vanishing acts, he says, "I’m just somebody who enjoys being nobody because I look like everybody. Besides, time checking things off my 'bucket list’ - sans notoriety - is time well spent.”

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