Stash Invest: My Portfolio Weekly Recap (2017-05-27)

in #money7 years ago (edited)


Hello and welcome to my weekly Stash Invest recap where I will go over how my portfolio has been affected through the market week. If you are unfamiliar with Stash Invest, it is an app that allows you to invest with as little as $5 using fractional shares so even someone who doesn't have much money can get started. I plan to make a lot more posts about Stash - which I think is an excellent beginners tool to help get into investing - so follow me to learn a lot more about it.

Anyway, just to recap last week, I took the largest beating since I started investing (albeit not that long ago) last week. My return tanked from around $25 to hardly over $5. That's an 80% loss! Of course, I wasn't mad about it. Quite the opposite in fact, I was hoping it would tank much more. Considering the market it at all-time highs right now, I was hoping it would truly crash.

But why you crazy fool?! Because I wanted to buy more! It's great watching the market soar as it largely has been since the US elections, but the higher it goes, the more you worry you entered too late, buying at a premium, or that a market correction is needed and the price you are buying at isn't real, or simply that you're buying just as the trend is coming to an end. Either way, while I do dollar cost average a little (we'll cover that term in another article), I prefer to buy more when we're on a down-swing, always looking for the most bang for my buck.

Stash 2017-05-21.png

Week Open
The markets recovered pretty well that Friday and brought me up to +$14.45 to start the week. At this point, I wasn't sure if the market was going to keep going up or take another backward slide.

Stash 2017-05-23.png

Day 1
Another nice recovery day, though I'm disappointed. I've got thousands in accounts receivable from my business about to come available so I have the buying power should prices tank. I did throw another $20 in one of my lower funds.

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Day Two
Another slight recovery. This takes me just a couple dollars below my previous high just before last week's short-lived crash.

Stash 2017-05-25.png

Day Three
After a second day with small gains, I am back to my record level. This is with my anchor fund, VOX, still losing me $5. I'll be sure to start taking more diverse pictures in future recaps to give a little more to look at.

Stash 2017-05-26.png

Day Four
Solid gains today. I can't remember the last time I've had so many days with positive movement. Usually there are some days the drop a little or don't move at all. I've now abandoned the idea of buying in bulk while continue upwards. I keep occasionally buying in $20 increments and putting them in some of the funds that dropped that day or maybe didn't move. I'll have more visuals of the portfolio next recap to hash out what's in the portfolio.

Stash 2017-05-27.png

Day Five
Finally a day that has a dip! Not that I'm looking for one anymore. The week closes out respectably at 2.53%. Obviously looking for a better overall percent in the long-run. You have to consider that this entire portfolio was built in $20 increments, not at one time, so the percentage is always screwed lower by new investing that haven't had a chance to pull their weight. I'm looking forward to this quarter's dividend season!

Looking Forward
I'll compile more pictures for future articles, such as overviews of the 11 funds currently in my portfolio, and probably talk about certain funds, what I think about their performance and why they are included in my portfolio. If you want to learn more about Stash Investing, check out this old article. I plan to redo it and continue the series soon.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 64294.64
ETH 3491.72
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53