
Agreed. I think the problem might be though that we use the term "over consumption" too much, and it has been diluted so that people think that this is just about people buying too much stuff that they don't need. I think the root problem goes deeper. We are told (consciously and subconsciously) that we don't need to bother with fixing things. That we live in a "throw away" society. This is just plain wrong. Our land fills overflow, China won't take our recycle garbage anymore, and yet we continue to accept and perpetuate this fiction. If insurance companies say that a rear dent in a car is a Total Loss, then it tells us that they want us to buy new cars all the time. Considering that insurance companies are either divisions of banks or closely aligned with banks, it is not surprising. Throw it away is quicker and easier than fixing it. I don't buy it. We have to send a message that we won't accept this. I was forced to "salvage title" this perfectly working car over this insurance position just to get the car back and stop it from being crushed at a junk yard. Now it is 20% less value due to that. That isn't right. It is up to us to start to put on our "big boy pants" and take some responsibility and show some respect to what we own. I don't blame the guy who rear ended here. He didn't do that intentionally. But it is the corrupt and immoral system that is my only recourse to get some compensation and return this back to the condition it was prior. It never will be that, and with nothing due to my or my daughter's fault. That said, I will restore this car back to better than its previous condition. That will be the only positive that will come out of this mess. I implore others to do the same.

Great way to go get the car fixed and back in use :)

Right on. I'm still waiting for the collision place to finish the job, but even if it costs me more than what I got from the insurance company, it is still worth it.

Very good hope it gets finished soon.

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