Adsense blogger, How to get in google adsense in 1 Day

in #money6 years ago

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Adsense blogger or google adsense blogger is a way to earn money by providing advertising space on our blog, to be fitted with advertising by Google's advertising service providers. Google has an ad service called google adword where people like us or companies can advertise there. Ads will later appear on blogs that have adsense installed and on the first page of google when we enter the keyword.

Google adsense Being an opportunity for bloggers to be able to earn money from blogs, Until now Google adsense is still a lot of bloggers. Why? Simple because it is promising if we are serious there like the example of my previous article SUCCESS STORY HIGH SPEED STUDENT SMP earns 120million / month and only work at home 6 hours / day.

The first problem faced when want to join to blogger adsense is the problem register because Google will select our blog, not just any acceptable. The next problem there is no detailed criteria to be accepted in google adsense, which obviously There are only basic rules such as banning gambling sites, pornography and illegal software.
Many cases, some are easily accepted and some are difficult to accept. Until a lot of myths like things that make us not accepted in adsense, Here's myth,

  1. Must have a lot of content
  2. Must have many visitors
  3. Must escape copyscape
  4. Sign up with new email when rejected
  5. Must be at least 3 months old
  6. Must use. Com when using blogspot also many are easily accepted

Relatively Many bloggers who successfully received by not meeting the criteria of the myth. Then what makes us accepted in adsense. In essence the thing that makes us accepted in google adsense is,

  1. Create useful content
  2. Do not copy paste but must original
  3. Age Minimum 3 weeks or 1 Month
  4. Should be consistent
  5. Complete blog with Terms of Service (TOS), Contact us, and Privacy policy

With the above things friends can already be accepted in Google adsense, just waiting for a matter of time, can be fast, can be slow depending on the google review team.

Few tips that I summarize from other people's blogger experience and self-experience in things that make it more easily accepted in adsense in addition to complementary things above,

  1. Create complete content such as adding pictures, videos, illustrations and more
  2. Display a lightweight or mobile blog design
  3. Navigation or a clear blog menu
  4. Promote your blog on social media.
    Then, Which Way to receive in google adsense in 1 Day? Is this a lie? I say this is still Real is not a lie. Before I answer how, I will tell you how my experience received in google adsense.

I'm actually very newbie in the world of Google adsense or beginner once, I blog because it is necessary, blogging many benefits that I feel like tranquility therapy, many studies have proved this.

About my Income online is more sales, affiliate and business. Why selling? The fastest way to make money is selling and my expertise is more directing there.

If asked which one is easy between adsense and selling? I answered the sale of course. If you read and understand Jaya Setiabudi's best-selling Jema Jaya Open Book, you will know how much more is becoming bussinesman.

I list adsense coincidentally I usually write on the blog, because curious many people succeed in adsense, why I do not try to list it? Just make the experience anyway.
After I registered and the first time the list, I immediately rejected with raw, Because I just move my writings from Facebook.

After that I started writing routine on the blog again, after a few days then I list again, what happened? Still rejected, I have not completed completeness such as TOS, Sitemap and contac us.

Then I complete this and the list again, what happened? Stay rejected, The problem is the age of my blog has not nyampe 3 weekly.

Okay after the age of my blog 3 weeks I list again, what happened? Still rejected, Then I read the reference again he said to use. Com to quickly accepted, yaudah I kurut because it was still blogspot time and the plan also emang want to be.

After the end of .com then I list again, and what happens? Yes I am still rejected. Insolence neh google whahaha arrogant really nolak my writing.

Because the intention from the beginning is just a fad google adsense and google adsense list I do not make income, The rejection does not necessarily make me stop trying. Until finally the number of rejection is not counted ... ahahaha ... can be seen drawn.
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So for friends who want to list please read the above tips to be more quickly accepted and when rejected do not despair, certainly one day accepted.

Then where the story How to get in google adsense in 1 Day?

Okay, okay here's how

After received in adsense the next problem that arises is the income from adsense really really I get that. After my analysis, First pengunjugnnya is still a little, the two problems biding or ads that are installed based on the amount of competition sometimes there are cheap and sometimes expensive.

How to get accepted in google adsense in 1 Today I get Because my background is a marketer and entrepreneur.

greeting steemit

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