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RE: The Truth about Modern Banking: #Scam

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Great comment! Awesome info, and a helpful tip on my question about buying bullion.

And in response to your comment, I am not short term bearish, or predicting global collapse soon, but it does seem inevitable so I am preparing now, but accumulating crypto and soon bullion.

Maybe its 20 yrs from now, maybe 40, seems more likely it will be under 10 tho.

China and Russia trading oil without USD, and both accumulating Gold are bad signs. Yes there are lots of others still rushing into USD and buying govt bonds but we know from history every fiat, backed by nothing, eventually fails. Its been what 40-50 yrs since USD was backed by gold, and debt is growing radically, even exponentially now.


It's true, all good points. But there's another factor - the Pentagon. They will destroy any nation that refuses to buy dollars, period.

All that aside, ecological collapse necessitates economic collapse. And you're right, we definitely do not have 10 years for any of that. Famine is already spreading throughout the globe like cancer. Wildfires have obliterated millions of acres of forest and brush this year alone. Get ready. Sounds like you already are.

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