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RE: 3 Cultures Fighting For Control of the Money Supply

in #money6 years ago

There is actually a 4th culture I included in my video discussion of this that I left out in this written form. That is what I would call the Scavenger culture. They are not so much a separate culture in their own right, advancing some over-riding value system they have about what's best for the world that they're trying to impose on others, as the others are. There only concern it what's best for them personally, and they will use the methods presented by any of the other cultural systems to advance their interests.

You sum them up as being motivated by greed, and that's a lot of it. But it's important to realize that they don't actually represent any of the other cultures. They represent only what it means to be a human with no real values who's just trying to get over however he can. There are a lot of people like that.

But there are purists in each of these 3 cultures who truly believe that what they're doing helps and that in fact that it's what's best for the most people. As imperfect as we all are, their systems are also imperfect. Yet there are those genuine people in each of these cultures.

I'd put Warren Buffet as such a person among the Cowboys, despite how well he does using the tools of the Bankers. I'd put people like Elizabeth Warren as such a person among the Banker culture. She genuinely cares and believes in Neoliberalism being most helpful to the world's people. I would put Andreas Antanopolous as such a person among the Crypto Crowd, as well as all the people working at Omisego, or Stellar, or WePower and many other projects more focused on creating solutions than profiting off hype.

We have to find those rays of hope, and focus there, or we can be overcome by cynicism by focusing on the worst among us.


We do, I'm just old and world-weary sometimes! We see massive changes in attitude towards gender, race and whatever isms people can come up with which is amazing and some of the greatest triumphs in recent history, its uplifting beyond words. But then I see people still starving, homeless and wealth inequality is getting worse. It's the moral, ethical and absolute responsibility in a global community for those who 'have' and 'can' to protect those who 'haven't' and 'can't'.
I do like your scavengers analogy though. In my opinion, they are the Libertarian (or wumcrs as I prefer to call them) party. With these, my earlier exaggerated cynicism would be justified.
I have been having a trawl through your great website, but generally, I prefer to read rather than watch videos. An exception recently to that though being Sadhguru who I came across recently.

We have to find those rays of hope, and focus there, or we can be overcome by cynicism by focusing on the worst among us.

You are absolutely correct and thank-you for the reminder. The old fella just needs a little prod occasionally. but the merest mention of your brilliant name brings a smile anyway, it truly is the most uplifting name in the world!

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