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RE: Truth About Money, Pt 2: How Currency Is An Illusion Created By The Global Elite To Enslave The Masses

in #money8 years ago

Main problem of the world is not money as it self , it's the greedy money hunger lunatics . They promote same story all over again " we are doin this to protect America " ( just an example ) . Ok so you are protecting . But your protection making other people's suffering . You steel other country resources , you destroying whole countries , societies , the way of life . And that's is all under curtain " for our people " . You mentioned Africa , continent teared apart with wars , clans and tribes killings , hunger , health issues and so on . Africa has wealth to sustain it self . But nooo , we are gona rip you of from what you have , then we will repack 1 % of that and thru UN we will send it back like bags of fluor , sugar , water . Europe is the most to blame for that , Europe leaders , kings from the past are made biggest rip off in history of man in last 300-400 years . England , France ,Holland , Belgium , Spain , Portugal , countries made of other countries wealth . They have selectively riped off half of the planet .
People needs to be educated on what is going on in the world , this madness needs to stop. Guns are not tools for that , it's the knowledge .


I pointed this out very clearly. Money like guns is not the problem, it is how it is used.
Education is the key as the masses have been programed. That is why I went to great length to write this post.
Hope you felt it was valuable and will tune into the next parts.
Best Regards~*~

Will do for sure . Tanks

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