What are the best saving tips you know ?

in #money6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

1. Always plan in advance

The best way to ensure you save money is to actually know what you want to use the money for. I'm talking about developing a budget according to your priorities and sticking with it. That way, you will be able to spend your money on essentials and not on frivolities

2. Cut down on the borrowing

As a salary earner, I knew people that tried to save money but couldn't. This is because, before the end of the month, they would have borrowed up to half of their salary value. By the time they pay their salaries, they would barely have enough for themselves so they can't save.

3. Go for quality

When buying clothes, accessories, gadgets, go for quality products that will give you more years. That way you save money compared to when you buy cheap products that you'll always have to replace

4. Invest your savings

If you only save your money in the bank, you'll end up losing your money due to inflation. Most bank interest rates do not keep up with inflation. To prevent this, you need to invest in worthwhile investments. I would advise that you go for fairly stable investments rather than high yield investments that could make you lose all your money

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