The Broke Billionaire

in #money8 years ago (edited)

He doesn't care that he owns half of the wealth of the city. He doesn't care that people think that he is invincible. He surely doesn't care that society puts him in the highest tier of economic status. He even shies away from any attention given to what he has instead of who he is. Being put on a pedestal actually bores him. He could care less about how many cars he can buy. He doesn't care about how many mansions with hella acreage he can afford. None of that matters to him.


People consider him a billionaire because of the amount of money and assets he has acquired (I'm talking possibly having bricks of gold secretly tucked away in a cave somewhere... who knows? But definitely 10 digit status). But, you wouldn't even expect him to be a billionaire. Remember, don't judge a book... never mind, you know the saying. Seeing him walk out of his studio apartment and hop into his 2009 Ford F-150 is um, well, quite strange. Tattered, white sneakers that he bought 6 years ago don his feet. His slightly faded mom jeans were a gift from a family member. The thrift store was happy to sell him that over-sized, monochromatic blue polo. This guy wouldn't be considered "clean cut" by any means; scraggly beards sure are in style these days.  His appearance doesn't sound like one that would match that of a person who has amassed so much wealth. It's not that he doesn't have style, it's just rather unassuming and modest.  

What matters most to him is how he positively impacts the world. As a matter of fact, he knows the things that are most important in life have nothing to do with the materials one has. He clearly understands that who he is and what he does has much more weight to it than what he owns. He enjoys spending time with everyone, especially those whom society deems as outcasts. Showing love in the form of giving has always been one of his favorite pastimes. His biggest focus is on the intangibles. He's basically the most interesting man in the world.


How the world remembers him is worth more to him than all the treasures of the world. What really sticks with people after someone is gone is what that person did and what their character was like. The only thing that will outlast the stacks of gold in a vault is the immeasurable amount of kindness and the priceless amount of love you show to people. In the words of the broke billionaire, "What I do with what I have supersedes how much I have and at the end of the day, I can't take it with me anyways!" He is not impressed with what he has like so many other people are. He only seeks to impress people by who he is and how he can change someone's life for the better. His reasons for having the wealth that he has has always been to figure out millions of ways to sacrifice for someone else. You can't put a price tag on that and the broke billionaire doesn't want to. 

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Thanks for sharing! Love > Money. :)

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