Petro-Yuan vs Petro-Dollar

in #money6 years ago

Muammar Gaddafi wanted to shatter the dominance of the greenback in the Middle East by introducing gold-backed dinar. Instead he was murdered for daring to think the unthinkable, replacing the Globalist financial vehicle.Gaddafi proposed the African regional gold dinar for trading oil got what Saddam and Chavez got for attempting the same ruse...a bed covered with dirt.

A new attempt to oust the dollar could be successful. China has launched oil futures backed by the yuan. The big difference this time is China has what Gaddafi didn’t, NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Can't just create a scenario and run in with the Marines to kill the leader. It can afford to try to shatter the monopoly in oil trade. This will give even more weight to the Chinese yuan. In addition, China's economy is the world's largest consumer of oil.

It would take time before the petro-yuan can become a real threat to the dollar. China needs to win the support of the world's largest oil producers Russia and Saudi Arabia, or the initiative is doomed. Bur at least no one would die

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