10 Tips to Market Yourself as Freelancer

in #money7 years ago


Marketing for independents is one of the most important tools that must be used better. Marketing determines the amount of success or failure, and in order to communicate with you customers to get you from one of your services, they first have to know with those who deal and see the models of your business; What they will pay you. There are several ways to shop for yourself as an independent.

  1. Create a blog
    Create a blog related to your field of expertise, whether it's a design, programming or otherwise blog. You can shop for yourself and make sure you have experience in this area and will encourage many customers to communicate with you. The blog should be educational and not personal. It is not enough to tell a customer that you are only an expert! When asked about a model for your business, you will not find any response. Create a very simple and inexpensive blog and you can start using Blogger and WordPress.

  2. Offer free and money will come to you
    Keep in mind that money is coming, and that God does not forget the amount of work that your community benefits. If you are at the beginning of your career as an independent, I encourage you to adopt a model that is honorable for your business, and you will not be able to do so by constantly looking for money especially when you start your career as an independent. So I'm working on some useful free works. If you are a designer you can launch a bunch of free icons or templates and use the Creative Commons license. Let anyone use that package freely and you can apply that strategy to any domain.

3 - Participated as a guest bloggers
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Share from time to time with one of your blogging blogs. Most blogs now allow followers to publish their articles as a guest book and allow the author to add a profile to the latest article - you can see an example of it below, which helps you spread and target a segment of customers who follow that blog, And remember to put an easy way for the customer to be able to communicate with you like your Twitter account link or otherwise.

4 - Get a business card

Although this method is traditional and old but effective, business card indicates that you are independent professional and not just an amateur and you can give it to your knowledge to distribute it to their friends, allowing you to reach customers prefer traditional ways of communication and some Ghamlp prefer traditional methods due to lack of technical awareness, Also these customers will be willing to pay you for your services, you must keep them in mind and work to target them and reach them. You can also use the free service to create an electronic copy of your business card and examples of those services about.me

  1. Networking with as many independents
    Networking with recruits who work in the same field of useful things through Facebook or Twitter and others, you will learn from their experiences and experiences and if you have a business model and the honorable supervisor may turn you to one of their customers in the event of their concern and inability to serve him, Every time, free work is no different from the market and trade day and day.

  2. Attend events and conferences

Attending events and conferences related to your field helps you to network with more independents who work in this field or those who are interested in this field. Expanding your circle of knowledge is very useful to you as an independent. When you go to an event try to be friendly and confident of yourself but also avoid vanity and exaggeration, and learn to know about yourself and your business and services using one attractive phrase and if you attract the attention of the user what you said to him will ask you more questions to get to know you more and know this technology term "Elevator Pitch" is a talk of the elevator, is a marketing message in case you encounter an important person you have between 30 ~ 60 seconds to attract his attention to identify yourself and what it offers.

  1. Cooperation with another independent
    I remember one of the events I attended. I got to know an independent person and we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of self-employment. One of the disadvantages that my friend mentioned to me is the lack of self-motivation of the team spirit, which is constantly encouraged and stimulated. But what many people do not know is that self-employment does not mean that you are condescending to yourself and do not accept cooperation with anyone else. On the contrary, there are many independents working as a team, complementing each other and covering each specific specialty. And some customers prefer to work with a team of independents especially on large projects, and the difference of the independent teams that there is no head of the team we are independent of course, we hate that term and myself this term hurts my ears when I hear.

  2. Communicate with your former customers
    Always keep a list of your former customers with whom you have added a note to each customer for his favorite way of communication. Some customers prefer to communicate via chat programs such as Gtalk or Yahoo, while others hate to be interrupted by someone sending them a barrage of messages via chat programs. They prefer to communicate via e-mail. And remember that the customer for you is the chick that you are gold, you must be careful and not disturbed, and as the merchant cares about the goods you also have to take care of your customers and their comfort using appropriate means of communication to them and not the appropriate means for you. Tell them that you are available and you can work on one of their projects. Some customers need to alert them from time to time that you are available so they do not care about looking for another independent.

9 - Continue with customers and companies
Market yourself by communicating with potential customers and companies, show them your services and models, and do not feel frustrated if they tell you they do not need you or do not answer your messages. He loves you to learn how to fail and learn from your fall.

  1. Make attractive offers
    Some of the strategies I follow are to offer one of my clients something free of charge and then to show him that for every new customer who transfers it to I will give him a reduction of 20% ~ 30% on his project Next or I may work for him completely free of charge !. I am confident that this will make the client come back again and again to deal with me. The strategy is based on "Word of mouth," the customer you agree with on this offer will remind you of another potential customer and statistics indicate that customers are encouraged to deal with someone or to buy a special product if one of their friends has already dealt with or bought the product. And to remind customers of the most powerful means that if used independently will bring him many customers loaded with cash bags and fully prepared to give it to you and they are confused.

My last advice to you is not to exaggerate or lie to a client in order to win a project. The most important qualities that an independent person must have are honesty. I always seek opportunities and do not wait to come to you.

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