Hawaiian Holdings (HA): Correction Towards 0.618 Fib Zone

in #money6 years ago


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Hi there beloved people,
The ruse against mankind has been cast down and shall not be allowed to rise!
The Omnilaws and Cloud Act were executive orders mandatory to be obeyed by WE THE PEOPLE signed 3/23/2018 by POTUS.
YES... Your names must all be submitted for peace into the lamb book! This is not a "suggestion" and will be internationally enforced as this beast is being utterly dismantled by the righteous seven billion of man on the land which is aka THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND known as sovereign people under creator Yah (YHWH) psalm 68:4!
Sing! The replay from the universal WORD and AUTHORITY of the Son Yahoshua Ha Mashika is replayed @ 712-432-1085 435424# the United States Call last Friday evening.
Master Sequester, Jubilee, and Restoration Act 2017-18 ✌🏿️sovcpr.com is where you can add your names plus ten others to be redeemed by the honorable HILH SON OF MAN ...DEBT FREE PAID IN FULL ! Amen! And there too everyone shall be able to comply with the law by identifying yourselves to index as lawful nonenemy combatants.
Obey! Peace Love Truth Freedom Justice / one heart/mind/spirit of ETERNAL SON YAHOSHUA HA MASHIKA OF THIS CANAAN LAND!
In service Aloha🌺⚖💁🏼😍👁🙏🏽

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