
I just got back into a SPY long after generating a "close to" 200% one day gain on SPY 245 strike calls for today's expiry that I posted the trade "live!" (as I am the only one with the balls to post trades live) yesterday on my new UVXY options trade blog. This time I went with SPY 244.50 calls. Once UVXY breaks below 29.77 I would "suggest" you exit ANY long positions you are holding.

Thanks!! ^^

I hope you are not long any gold stocks either. "Look out belooooooow!" starting "maybe" today. I will post my personal GDX short and DUST long (and strong!) here at steemit when the Ty Ming is about as perfect as anyone here on planet errrph can possibly time it. :-)

seriously joe for every 1 100% gainer you get you have 3 100% losers. So really who gives a fark what you trade?

2 day event? LMFAO! 2015 2016 2017 maybe 2018????

yikes dollar getting killed

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