Make Money Great Again. #MMGAsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Money has failed us. More specifically, currencies have failed us.

Prices aren’t rising; the value of our currency is weakening, requiring us to spend more of it to buy the same items. As costs continue to rise, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a standard of living.

Unlike major currencies, gold protects our purchasing power over the long run. When measured in gold, the costs of everyday items remain consistent over time – the same costs that appreciate exponentially when measured in U.S. dollars. Gold maintains its value because it is difficult to produce. It takes labor, energy, time, and skill to pull gold out of the ground. The same obstacles do not exist for Federal Reserve Notes (such as U.S. dollars).

What if you could prevent your rent, groceries, and gas from becoming more expensive? What if prices stopped increasing every year?

We can achieve this together. Let’s Make Money Great Again.

How? By making it easier to use gold and silver as money, just like our Constitution says.

Technology now exists that enables us to earn, save, and make payments in gold. By removing capital gains tax on holdings of and transactions in gold and silver, Americans could freely use gold in day-to-day commerce to buy goods and services – and choose to avoid the dollar’s ever-eroding purchasing power.

By signing this petition, you aren't voting for a gold standard or promoting the end of the dollar; you’re simply voting to restore your right to use gold and silver as money without impediments, as recognized by the U.S. Constitution.

Let’s Make Money Great Again! #MMGA


money has never failed us. It's the federal reserve fiat debt notes that have failed us, thanks to the inescapable cycle of compound interest lol

Exactly. And greenbacker schemes won't address the core problem.

Edit - This may not be the greenbacker scheme I thought it was at first glance, but it feels wrong somehow nonetheless. Asking the government to grant permission to be free is a losing proposition.

Thank you for reading

A loosing proposition....maybe....but we have to FORCE governments to act in our favour.

The illusion that the government is more powerful then the people WILL die.

It IS dying.

Human beings are the future of planet earth. FREE human beings. The government has to act in our favour or we will destroy it.

How about that proposition?

The problem is they have us separated. We Have to unite as a collective decision force.

Humanity needs to take off the blind fold. People need to stop participating in systems that don't work. Pull their children out of the school system and stop using the central bank fiat currencies.

With block chains we can actually back currencies by a majority of things: make that backing visible; transparent.

Even buying food from a grocery store, taking the bus, working for a corporation: We each have to OWN our choices.

Take back our sovereignty. Individually at first.

Collectively when the time is right.


Contrary to public opinion....the power is in the hands of the majority......we just continually give it away.

You can't force government to serve the interests of the people. It only serves the interests of the political class, and tosses enough bones to the public to keep them obedient. There is no political solution. Alternatives are where solutions can be found, using voluntary means instead of cercion.

yes, we CAN force the government to act.

using the ultimatum of forcing them out of office,

We as the people can overcome their military and financial might.

The system is a paper tiger. They have lots of advanced weaponry but we have numbers.

The bottom line is: we can force them out of office.

We should use that to our advantage.

Government should serve the people, it should be a decentralized service.

In the future government won't be human.

But do you think government will just fall down?

How long will people sell their bodies and souls to another entity? how long will people continue to join the police and military?

Not many. not for much longer. not when we begin to educate them and provide an alternative way of live that does not rely on selling ones soul to a governing body.

Either we take over government; or create new systems of living that makes governance impossible.

And it can happen either way.

"Government should serve the people, it should be a decentralized service."

Government can't serve "the people," and it can only function as a centralized territorial monopoly in violence. It cannot be forced to act. Changing the officeholders means nothing.

It can, however, be subverted. We can use its abandoned internet technology, cryptocurrencies, commodity money, unlicensed businesses, and other "illegal" gray-market solutions to build a better society in the shell of the State while it collapses so we can show people that freedom is the solution.

Thank you for reading

Im curious.....why the pumpkins?

Well, was supposed to show distressed faces the lowered standard of living creates. Looking back i probably could have chosen a better image, will do better next time!

I figured that may be the case.

What do you think about those apparently backed by gold crypto currencies such as digix?

Good question. Im really not against any type of diversification. I think it is very difficult to know exactly how the future with play out with regards to all the implications our unstable finanical system brings. Diversifying I into many different types of assets, including crypto is crucial to financial survival. If you have read my other posts you know that I am the most enthusiastic about Goldmoney. Goldmoney is not a cryptocurrency, but full reserved gold ownership that can also be transacted with. I think this is the best way to go, but I have no problem with other solutions as well.

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