Experts Warn of Impending 'Hyper-Crash' - Here's What You Need to Know

in #money6 years ago


GODcoin has continued to inform the general public of the financial troubles that are on the horizon. A dire and gloomy forecast for the economy continues to be echoed by many experts. A recent warning was reported in the Eurasia Review which stated:

This pessimistic forecast comes from advanced statistical analysis of the S&P 500 stock market index, recently published by scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow.

Based on their analysis, the researchers explain why, in up to a dozen or so years, we can expect a financial meltdown such as never before – and explain why you have the chance to save the world by reading this text.

The London Economic reported on the same story and stated:

They said Black Monday, the bursting of the dot-com bubble and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers shook the global economy.

But they warned that soon we may have to deal with such a 'gigantic collapse' of financial markets that all previous crashes will appear as 'minor stumbling blocks' in comparison.

Professor Stanislaw Drozdz, of Cracow University of Technology, said: 'The data is, unfortunately, quite unambiguous...'

'It seems that from the mid-2020s, a global financial crash of a previously unprecedented scale is highly probable. This time the change will be qualitative, indeed radical.'

This research came from the "Standard & Poor’s 500 index – the largest global stock market index including the largest 500 firms, largely of a worldwide nature – from January 1950 to December 2016." It was reported that they were not looking to make "catastrophic forecasts" but they looked for occurrences of "multifractal effects."

"Multifractal and fractal manifestations of nervousness in the world economy. Top: changes in the Hurst exponent for the S&P 500 index in the last half-century, with the moments of financial crashes marked. Below: oscillations of the S&P 500 in the years 1800-2003 with extrapolation (made in 2003) to 2025. Credit Source: IFJ PAN"

The London Economic went on to report that...

Prof Drozdz said: 'What is also striking in the changes in the Hurst exponent for the S&P 500 is the shortening time intervals between consecutive crashes and the fact that after each collapse the indicator never returns to its original level.'

'We have a clear signal here that the nervousness of the world market is growing all the time, for decades, regardless of changing people, business entities or technology.'

Prof Drozdz said the earlier analysis suggests that each crash is preceded by smaller swings – 'quasi-mini-crashes' – which have been called precursors.

'In which case, all previous crashes would only be precursors of a much larger and more dangerous event.'

Professor Stanislaw Drozdz went on to say that "if the financial markets do not change qualitatively within the coming years", it looks grim. He also stated that one remedy might be the cryptocurrency market. He reiterated that "the future of the world economy from the mid-2020s thus appears very gloomy." You can read more about how they calculated this data from the sources cited in this article. The Imperial Regent of Lord RayEl summarized what each person should heed and take away from this information. He stated:

The financial experts are echoing (screaming) our warning, yet you still haven't moved your money into the protection of GODcoin. 😏

What are you waiting for? Each moment that passes by could be the last chance to invest wisely before the global economy and fiat currency crashes and burns.


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This article was authored by Judith Monte, @belovebelight

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I wonder how long until it completely falls flat.

In a nutshell, you should invest in GODcoin asap!

A crash has been rumoured for a while now, and some big players that have predicted previous falls have recently come out saying as much. Thanks for the update @godcoin!

This is why people need to put their finances into the safety net of GODcoin.

It would be wise to take heed to the precautions written all over the wall. Nonetheless, investing in Godcoin would be certainly smarter than procrastinating and losing all.

When the economy goes the world will forever change!

Fair to say the general consensus is there will be a crash, it's a matter of if not when. The problem is as they say 'The market can stay irrational longer than you stay solvent'.

Time to take refuge in the currency of the New Kingdom

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