What is your opinion about GiraCoin? Opportunity?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

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Hello dear blog-readers, two days ago I found a new coin called "GiraCoin" by a swiss company named "Gira Financial Group AG".

The adress of the company is: Bahnhofstrasse 2, 6052 Hergiswil, Schweiz
The website is already available in six different languages, of course english and german too.

They use the direct selling distribution to make the coin famous and they are already working on a marketplace where you can buy products with GiraCoin too, namend girabuy.com.

The mining of GiraCoin just started yesterday. Im experienced in the direct-selling/network-marketing industry, but not so long in the cryptocurrency market so far. That´s why I want to ask you about YOUR opinion about this new coin.

Do you think it is a great opportunity?

The backoffice looks really good and the mining packages are starting from as little as 50€. The whitepaper and the information PDF´s are looking very serious too and they have everything (e-wallet: www.girapay.com, live-support, ticket-section, info/news-section, invoices etc...)

Here you can download the information PDF about GiraCoin in english: https://giracoin.com/pdf/B_EN.pdf

Download technical whitepaper: https://giracoin.com/pdf/B_EN.pdf

Here you can find the GiraCoin Blockchain: https://blockexplorer.giracoin.com/insight/

Here is a little excerpt of the even much longer mail, after I signed-up:

"Dear future24, Thanks for joining! Let us get started!


The new Swiss crypto-currency has arrived. Giracoin is a digital currency based on the principles of cryptographymaking it a secure and decentralized payment system. With Giracoin you are independent of central banks. Not even a banking crisis can affect a cryptocurrency.

The world of finance is in turmoil at the moment: the UK is leaving the EU, financial markets are suffering massive currency losses. At times like these, crypto-currencies become a viable alternative.


After some details about the compensation plan, they say:

"Giracoin was developed in Switzerland and offers everyone the opportunity to join in its creation from the very beginning even with- out deep knowledge of computers. All legal parameters are of course being followed. Our own company Compliance Department guarantees it.

You've probably heard of Bitcoin. So far, its enormous rise in value has been unique. But, without the necessary computer acumen, it wasn't possible to get in at the start. That's where Giracoin comes in. It provides partners with its own wholly-owned mining platform.

Giracoin is mined in accordance with SH 256 security technology. Anyone is able purchase a package of tokens that are then used in so- called mining, from which come coins. The complicated algorithms are calculated for you via tokens. All transactions are secured by digital signatures using the public/private key method. Authorization is carried out in this manner. Additionally, all bookings in the so called transaction chain are transparent. However, the transaction results are encod- ed in block chains using cryptographic methods ruling out double payments or fraud.

Giracoin works with a combination of the Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake procedures, in which Proof-of-Work is our mining farm. The Proof-of-Stake procedure offers our members the opportunity to play a direct role in mining."

Here you can watch the english promotion video:

For me it sounds really serious and I already bought a little package to check out the mining system. Maybe this is a opportunity to join a new coin from the beginning...

➤ Click here and sign-up, even for free, if you want to check out this offer too!

What do you think about this new coin?
I know here are many experienced cryptocurrency-professionals.

But please don´t think or say it is a scam only because of the direct-selling compensation plan, because this marketing-plan is generally legal. Im specialised in network-marketing since over 5 years now and to earn commissions at different levels is legal, if the products have a value and it is possible to overtake your uplines for example. Here you can find an article about network-marketing, also known as Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing

I would ask the pros to check out the whitepaper and other cryptocurrency-information fields on which I do not have much experience. Because you can say if the products (the Token-packages) are really valuable.

If you want to join this opportunity, I would be happy if you will use my link, because I pointed it out to you: https://giracoin.com/future24

Thanks in advance for your feedback and have a nice day!

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Jonas Ahrens

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Yeah, smelled like a scam without even clicking the links (which aren't working right now anyway).

And indeed: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1562708.0

For newbies and everyone else:

Onecoin, Swisscoin, Giracoin etc are not crypto-currencies! They are just websites that say "Send us your money!"

They are plain scams and Ponzi-schemes using the terminology of the crypto-currency and blockchain space to mislead newcomers and laymen!

A true crypto-currency has:

  • A white paper explaining exactly what's new about it and how it works
  • A code repository (on github etc)
  • A public block explorer

If it doesn't have any of those, run away fast!

Have you read it? Do you even understand the concept of cryptocurrencies?

Did you read this part in my article? "But please don´t think or say it is a scam only because of the direct-selling compensation plan..." I think no, because you only say it because of the network-marketing plan. Please only constructive feedback @herzmeister.

It has a whitepaper... First, read my article AND watch the website, before posting scam alerts please...^^ And they have a new kind of wallet website too: http://girapay.com/

as said, the website didn't even work when i looked at it, I will re-evaluate.

The whitepaper is a bad joke and the only good thing is that it is only 5 pages long.
I won't comment further for free. I need Schmerzensgeld to compensate for the painful waste of time.
Edit: Oh, it was not even the "technical whitepaper" I read. That one is almost even funnier...and only 2 pages long!

thanks :)
(and also have $0.01 schmerzensgeld :D)

(and btw, I don't always ask someone to upvote one of my first-level comments, but when I do, it's about a scam warning ;))

Here you can find the blockchain @herzmeister: https://blockexplorer.giracoin.com/insight/

And here is the link to the GiraCoin Wallet: www.girapay.com

They have everything...

Upvoted! :-) I was thinking of writing an article in german about it, but what sucks is that Giracoin is a fairly recent "project" and I would have to do some primary kind of research and it is sooo horrible to dig into this kind of stupid dirt, because people keep falling for it anyway...

Thanks for your feedback @fabio and @herzmeister. Let me know, if you have more research information about it.

@fabio started with the "schmerzensgeld", not me ;)

constructive feedback?

  1. this is not a whitepaper, it is a marketing brochure.
  2. an online account is not a wallet. onecoin has online accounts too.
  3. show me the code, show me the blockchain. otherwise it is not a crypto-currency, simple as that.

Come on guys, that was the title of my article "What is your opinion about Grantcoin" and you told your opinion, everything fine. 😄👌 And what exactly is a "bad joke" at the whitepaper? Like I told you in the article, Im not a cryptocurrency pro. And @herzmeister what do you mean with $0.01 "Schmerzensgeld" and why you write it in german? Your comments are unbelievable again, no constructive feedback... 😂 But thanks anyway. 👍

@future24: how about you explain to us why we should take the time to do the work you should have done before posting about it? Give me one reason why you think this could be an alternative to, say, Bitcoin? What could it make an "opportunity" and to whom?

"... why we should take the time to do the work you should have done before posting about it?" Counter question: Why you take the time for hating it? Research and a detailed feedback would be more constructive. And you seem to be a cryptocurrency pro, so you could research it better...

Yes it´s a brandnew company and the mining just started yesterday.
Thank you very much for your feedback @claudiop63! 👍

Why not? There is always no guarantee and I said "Maybe"...

Well explain your "maybe" then. I never asked for a guarantee.

:) You write the "best" comments @fabio. ^^Just read my article, before hating it and you have the answer to all your questions...

Oh I read it, that's why I am commenting. And not everything you don't seem to understand is "hating". You have no clue what you are talking about and do not seem to care about potential risks for the people you lure into that Ponzi scheme. Will you have the balls to apologize when the Giracoin Scam is as clear as the OneCoin one? Do you hope you will have earned enough money until then? Is that your motivation? Please tell me, I've asked you many times: what is your motivation? What makes Giracoin a possible opportunity and to whom? You are not anonymous (neither am I), so I guess in your favor, that you simply have no clue about the legal risks you are incurring by promoting such schemes.

excellent post, let's take a look, congratulations

Thank you @jlufer and also I fixed some spelling mistakes now. 👍

@future24 it is scam for sure !

Thank you for the feedback @adnexx, I think so too, it looks really serious!

Censorship at Steemit? What´s up @fabio?
I thought Steemit is a platform where everyone can say what his/her opinion? ^^

Promoting a Scam is not an "opinion".

You don´t know, if it is a scam, this is your opinion.
And they have a blockchain, wallet etc...

I am sure it is a scam, I just don't need the police to tell me so like you do. If you feel happy to navigate in grey areas and ignoring red flags (pun intended) just because Law Enforcement takes time and the GiraCoin scammers are smarter than the OneCoin people, then fine. Promote it. Go for it.

You can´t be sure...

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