Money vs Health

in #money7 years ago

Money is important but what do you think it is more important that your health? For me there is no greater thing than health. You may earn thousands and thousands of dollars but at the end can you buy health with money? If you haven’t noticed that if you are compromising your health for money then it is the time to set you priorities. Things that makes our life easy are most probably going to affect our health in some way. It is very important for us to realise that a man has made money not some f***ing alien. 


Health and Smartness

In most of the scenarios it is seen that mental work makes hell lot of money than physical work, But we must also agree that people doing heavy mental lifting tend to have bad physical health or running with medicines or drugs. According to me we should create a balance between things that helps us to create a bridge between money and health. 

Overtime for Work but for health? 

We work to earn money and buy things we love but everybody loves Lamborghini too. It doesn’t mean that you should start overworking and earn a few more money. Would you ever do that with your health? We tend to be more falling towards money than health. We have the biggest weapon that we don’t even realise it. It is just a matter of time to explore yourself and realise where do you do best? 

Realise your Full Potential 

A lot of time it happens that a person creates a boundary around itself and apparently can’t break it. What are these boundaries? Well, there is no boundary at all. Personally, I think of it as health boundaries. The better health you have broader and bigger the boundary you will have. We can’t see it because we don’t actually realise the effect of our health on our work.  

What you will do if there is no money on earth? 

Just ask this question to yourself and most importantly answer it honestly. I can guarantee that more that 90% of the people would like to enjoy without worrying about anything and definitely would not like to work or they would work to just satisfy their needs.  

We must see that money is just an entity created by us to makes our life easy and to exchange values/things. Each and every one of us needs to understand that we can do much much better than only earning money and be happy about it. We have got only one chance in this world so better make it enjoyable and fun, why to make it all stressy?  

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Wonderful post - followed/ upvoted. I was quite ill sometime ago and everything else became meaningless. I was miserable and could hardly do anything for myself for a while. I could only thing about my family-not work or money. It was a bizaar time. Thankfully I got better. Ever since then - I do not take much for granted.
In this post I quote Bob Marley - "Money can't buy life".

Thank you! totally apprecite your words.

We forget that our health is way more important. Money comes and goes and is not permanent. While our health doesn't really ever get better in the long run so we need to take care of our selves. I am probably not one to talk because i am no where as healthy as I should be. Thanks for the cool post.

Thank you so much for your words. Totally appreciate it :)


Thank you! I hope you enjoyed reading.

Very good topic. Health is wealth. But if I just swap the word It will 'Wealth is health'. I think it is vice-versa.

Ya, Batman approves this one :p

Nice. I guess it represents that a general person grabs negativity faster than positive things

If you sacrifice health for wealth you will probably die younger and not be able to spend it in your golden years. ps save in silver instead!

Absolutely right! "Do not pay that much attention to money that you forget to pay attention to your life". Thanks :)

"... money answers all things." (Ecclesiastes 10:19)

Whether we like it or not, we all have to deal with it, but it definitely cannot replace relationships, good nutrition, and exercise. We can't pay someone to exercise for us. :)

As long as we keep it a servant it can serve us well, but it is a cruel master.

Great article! It would be great if we could return to the "bartering system". Communities worked together much more civilized back then, but those days are long gone. :)

Completely agree with you. Thanks :)

outstanding article.
Upvoted already :)

Thank you mate, Totally appreciate your words.

Totally! The amount of 'rich' people on their death beds who would have sacrificed their life chasing the dollar. Sad especially once you see it for what it is.

Excellent post! For me, health and wealth are priorities for me.

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