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RE: Illusory U.S. Economic Boom as World Economies Fall

in #money6 years ago

Prepare to lose most of your money when the banks start failing in the upcoming economic crisis that we are now seeing the start of if you sell at the bottom of the market correction instead of HODLing. Market corrections happen about every 10 years, we are due for one. If you are smart you sell now while things are high and then buy after the correction. To be frank though I don't see the conditions in the US housing market for a collapse very soon. We have a ways to go.


Hold onto something as the price falls, isn't much of a smart move. Maybe some ppl will sell now before it pops...

The best thing would be to take profit now and then wait for the correction and the buy low but timing the bottom is pretty hard. When the price totally shits the bed then hodling is the way to go, you don't lose a dime until you sell or the company goes totally bankrupt and you don't really stand to gain much by selling at that point so you may as well hodl.

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