Portfolio Update: week 20 2018

in #money6 years ago

Week 20 already. Let's see how my portfolio did in the last week!



As you can see we have a little decline in the past week. Lots of things going around with MT. GOX. which did harm my portfolio. I could spice it up a little bit by adding the freshly earned Steem to it but I have decided to only do this in the start of the month! This way I will be able to present a much clearer picture of my portfolio!
So, no additions were made in my portfolio and the decrease was around 12%.

Winners and Losers

No newcomers or leavers, so lets jump and see how the coins did individually past week!
Only 2 winners with Oyster Pearl and Elixir. Both are swimming against the flow. Second green week in a row for both!
On the looser side SportyCo (-29,35%), Stratis (-15,11%), Vibehub (-16,39%) were the worst kids of the class. But also Neo and KCS took a dive! This is what did hurt me the most. But maybe it is a good time to purchase some more NEO. It is still way below my average purchase price!



Last week the top 3 was:

  • KCS - 15,38%
  • Neo - 14,02%
  • Stratis - 13,54%

This week the top 3 is:

  • KCS - 14,91%
  • NEO - 13,6%
  • NEBL - 12,89%

Stratis and Neblio switched places. Maybe also a good time to invest some more into Neblio!

Next week

Well next week is payday :) So I do plan some more investments. At the moment Neo, Neblio and COSS looks the most appealing but we will have to wait and see what the figures are saying next week.
Also doubting about selling my ReddCoin with a loss and swap them for one of the 3 above. Time will tell.

How is your portfolio doing?
Also getting better and better?
Is there a coin which should be a must have for each portfolio and which I don't have?
Feel free to comment!

Keep the faith,


I love NEO but it currently suffer from Ontology hype because people think that ONT will take over NEO users... Very stupid opinion because they don't target same users. ONT is private chain for corporate users and NEO is public chain for everybody. Working project like NEO has less value than ONT if we look max number of coins. Only possible at Crypto :-)

There is a lot of truth in your reply.
I was doubting about adding some more Neo or Neblio to my portfolio, but I guess it will turn out in Neblios favor. The main raison is that it is still undervalued and there are only a little bit less than 14 million Nebls. So if they could pull it off, it would be the better bet!

I have a question that I've asked other crypto traders, what do you think of the Warren Buffet theory that diversification (too much) is bad for a portfolio ?

The reasoning is sound, all the 'wins' cancel out all the 'losses' on average, so you end up never increasing the account.

Someone else I spoke to (crypto) said he was just hoping that one or two would 'moon' at some point, and make up for all the ones that lost.

Not so sure I agree with that philosophy, I think I'd just rather focus on winning on a handful or assets that I know well, rather than gambling that one will make it big in the future, enough to make money anyway.

What are your thoughts ?

I did a lot of thinking about this question to be able to give a good enough answer.
Yes, I do think that there is a lot of truth in that statement. If you place to many bets, you will loose some completely, others will be break even and others will make a profit. Than it all depends if your profit is high enough to cover the losses from the loosing assets!
On the other hand if 2 or 3 of the coins really go to the moon and does increase 1000% or something like that, you could be a winner. But probably you will not have invested enough to cover the more secure bets.
As you can see, I a still in doubt!

It of course also depends on the bankroll you can play with. The higher this is the more risks you can take and the more diverse your portfolio you can become!
I personally have decided that I do own to many different coins, so I will try to downsize my portfolio to 10 or 12! It was @cicbar who did point this out to me.
I do want to keep track of my port and do want to know what is going on with the coins I own and the more different you have, the more difficult it will become to get a clear picture!
I was and am interested in so many coins but I do have limited funds so I do need to make choices!
@crypto2crypto and @cicbar you both are more wintered crypto investors than I am, could one of you be so kind to give a much better answer on the question of @tradergurl!
I could be interesting for you to follow both of them. Both have a great track record in crypto investments. They are not into trading like you are, but both are interactive!

Thanks for the long answer, appreciated.

I've been asking other crypto traders the same question to see what the general feeling is. It doesn't really make financial sense unless its 100% gambling, one day by chance one of the coins will take off so just buy a 100 different coins at random and pray.

To me, it's like betting on every horse in the Grand National, in the hope that the payout from the winner is more than what was spent on the other 39 horses :-)

I'm also beginning to think there might be a little bit of 'addiction' in there, I think some people just can't help themselves to keep buying more and more crypto.

I'm also beginning to think there might be a little bit of 'addiction' in there, I think some people just can't help themselves to keep buying more and more crypto.

For sure there is. Everybody is affraid to miss the next flight to the moon! Or even Mars!
Also confident that a lotof crypto investers did purchase coins without knowing what the business case of the coin is, what they roadmap is and so on ...
Luckily I dodged that bullet partially. I still fear that my initial investment isn’t enough to make a decent profit. Investing for instance 100€ into a coin will probably won’t make you rich! You will have a much better chance if you did invest 1000 into it!
So without knowing you did open my eyes and now I really have to re evaluate my portfolio again!
Mmh I will have to ask some experts their opinion about my portfolio!
Not that I will follow their advice blindly but to get an expert opinion and go from there!

I have a long term portfolio of stocks, much like a crypto person would have, but only in stocks I know about and understand.

But I constantly shuffle the portfolio, it doesn't make sense to keep badly performing stocks which cancel out any gains made by the stronger ones !

It's a bit like investing when you're in debt, paying interest on a loan or something. Those loan payments are 'negative interest', a guaranteed loss every month. So it's better to pay off the loan before using your money to invest. Just basic money management, I think a lot of crypto people don't 'get it'.

It makes me wonder, if 90% of stock traders fail, and 90% of gamblers fail, I wonder how many crypto traders will fail ?

@tradegurl this is a debate that I use to have with myself everyday lol.

I ultimately found that having too much diversity becomes too​problematic for a few reasons.

  1. You can't truly track the development of every coin.
  2. In a bear market,​ you will have more losers than​ winners.
  3. Bears last longer then bulls.
  4. consecutive losses happen more often then consecutive wins.

When you put those factors together you will notice that you are more likely to lose betting on a bunch so so coins and are better of picking a few vetted quality coins that will grow steadily and allow you to pull your​ investment in a staggered form until all you are dealing with is house money.

Thanks for stepping into this discussion!

Thanks, it's rare that someone agrees with me :-)

I think half the time people trade crypto just to boast about how many different coins they have, because they sure as shit aren't making any money from it lol.

Nice to see some 'sensible' people for a change ;-)

We live in a funky stage of crypto where boasting and immaturity is the norm. Am I perfect no, but there are core principles that can be applied to all aspects of life one of them being humble.

With that you will never find yourself overextending and out of position.

I'd agree with you here @tradergurl . I'm invested in 8 different cryptos that I can monitor and keep up with. 4 of these make up 95% of my entire cryptfolio. I think when investing it is important to ask the question, what problem does this cryptocurrency solve. If it is solving a problem, or streamlining a process then it is worthwhile to look into it more and checkout the team, roadmap, and competitors.

That seems to be a problem for the majority of crypto, it has no 'purpose' other than to make money for the issuer, typically just after the ICO when they leg it with the money.

Your fathers XLM is doing pretty good. Not too much in the green, but can't compare it with SPF either.
My XRP still has some ground to recover and I'm hoping for Consensus to spread some bullish vibes among the crypto investors.

Lets hope it does! The problem is that the ones who are interested in Consensus probably already did invest into cryptos!
He also has Neo which is crushing his portfolio :(

That's just temporary.

That's true!
Don't forget to enter for the World cup contest!

I will. First I will have to learn how it works as I am parallel with the soccer world. I will read your post again and predict something.

Haven't looked at the portfolio in months. Recently converted my Ark to Verge and that's about it.

If we're reaching ATHs again i might look to offload some NEO lol.

NEO is one of my biggest bets! I whish I would have lots more of them!
Don't forget to register for the world cup contest!

Same here... i was hoping it could cement a top 5 place but it seems unlikely with all the restrictions that are in place in China.

Thanks for the reminder... I'm finalizing my picks now lol.

My hope is now on Neblio! If they could pull it off, it would be a blast with a max number of coins of just below 14 mil. If they could read 100, I could recuperate my initial investments!

Very interesting post. May I ask the reasoning behind RDD Snov and PRL?

You may and I will even give you honest answers
Reddcoin was one of the first coins I did purchase. I did want to have a coin where I could buy lots of for a little investment. Already sold half of them. I would never purchase them now anymore! I doubting to sell them with a loss and reinvesting the money in Neblio, Neo or Coss!
I became intriged in the project! They are building to kinds of platforms! One for lead generation wherelots of money goes around and the other platform should become a blockchain version of linkedin! Were you wil get rewarded for sharing info!
I do own only 2110 of these! I will keep these cause I do believe in the use case.
Also here I do believe in the project and they have a lot on they roadmap for this year!
I did profit from the airdrop of shell! It could be a promosing year for them! I did attract my attention just before it was hyped!

Digibyte is another coin I do want to get rid off. Still doubting if I am ready to sell them with a loss!

Thanks for showing interest!

Thanks for the insight. You have reasoning behind all of you purchases and it’s not based off random hype that was generated by bots.

Rdd is one that I would probably cut, they are around because they are cheap. I would def funnel into neblio as they provide staking as well.

I do know that they are staking but I am not willing to let my laptop run 24/7. Thats why I don't stake :(

😱😱. Do you know someone you trust who happens to be in it as well. It’s a great source or income

what tool do you use to monitor your cryptofolio?

My own excel spreadsheet. I do automatically extract the data via the api of coinmarketcap.

It keep track of my fiat investments and all the average book prices of the coins bougth. Also how thy have to rise to make a profit and so on!
I also have blockfolio on my phone.

okay cool, I use a google sheet as well and just update the price and total held of each one of my cryptos at the end of each month. Thats cool you got yours connected to coinmarketcap api. I just use Schwab for my fiat investments. Also on my phone I use coinstats which is pretty good too, im sure similar to blockfolio.

For some reason I am doing this weekly! With the fiat investments I did mean the money I did use to purchase the coins :) So no need for schwab for me.
I did also played around with cryptcompare, but left it behind. My own excel will do for the real tracking and blockfolio to get a rough idea what the market is doing!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63277.21
ETH 2487.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71